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Bar Refaeli


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Supermodel Bar Refaeli won?t be marrying beau Leo DiCaprio if her father, Rafael Rafaeli, has anything to say about it. Aaron Braunstein, who?s promoting the Brawl at the Wall boxing match between Israeli and Palestinian fighters July 4, saw Bar?s dad in Jerusalem last week: ?He told me that if Leo doesn?t convert to Judaism, there will be no marriage.?

Hmm, I don't know if I believe that. There was an interview where Bar and her father both said that it didn't matter if she married someone that wasn't Jewish or if her children were Jewish. I specifically remember her father saying that all that mattered to him was Bar being happy. Bar's family is not religious so that's why I doubt this comment came from Bar's father. It seems that Bar's family gets along great with Leo and I doubt they would pressure him to convert to Judaism especially since they're not observant. I have a feeling that Bar's publicist will deny that her father made the comment. What do you all think about this? I especially want to hear from Refaelishop who might have some insight about this.

I agree with you.

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Supermodel Bar Refaeli won?t be marrying beau Leo DiCaprio if her father, Rafael Rafaeli, has anything to say about it. Aaron Braunstein, who?s promoting the Brawl at the Wall boxing match between Israeli and Palestinian fighters July 4, saw Bar?s dad in Jerusalem last week: ?He told me that if Leo doesn?t convert to Judaism, there will be no marriage.?

Hmm, I don't know if I believe that. There was an interview where Bar and her father both said that it didn't matter if she married someone that wasn't Jewish or if her children were Jewish. I specifically remember her father saying that all that mattered to him was Bar being happy. Bar's family is not religious so that's why I doubt this comment came from Bar's father. It seems that Bar's family gets along great with Leo and I doubt they would pressure him to convert to Judaism especially since they're not observant. I have a feeling that Bar's publicist will deny that her father made the comment. What do you all think about this? I especially want to hear from Refaelishop who might have some insight about this.

I agree with you.

Yeah me too ...

I don't think that's true ...

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Bar will making another TV appearance (only her second one on primetime) on the Ellen DeGeneres Show this Friday (Feb. 20th). That means she'll be back in Los Angeles, baby! Who's the unlucky stiff that's gonna cap this appearance? Anyone? (*RAISES HAND*)


Thanks! I'm gonna watch it. :)

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Thanks When I click though it takes me to the page with all the other videos and when I find the clip and click it takes me back to that page again. Maybe it's no longer available? What did Bar say?

okay now its not working for me either.

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:wave: :laugh:


I was very busy the last several days so I just got caught up on all the Bar news. I did see her on Letterman and E! but I missed the other t.v. shows but now thanks to everyone here I get to see them. This is definately best place to catch up on the lates Bar news. She looks so happy and beautiful. I'm so happy for her.

I found this gossip tidbit about Bar and Leo in the NYDN.


Supermodel Bar Refaeli won?t be marrying beau Leo DiCaprio if her father, Rafael Rafaeli, has anything to say about it. Aaron Braunstein, who?s promoting the Brawl at the Wall boxing match between Israeli and Palestinian fighters July 4, saw Bar?s dad in Jerusalem last week: ?He told me that if Leo doesn?t convert to Judaism, there will be no marriage.?

Hmm, I don't know if I believe that. There was an interview where Bar and her father both said that it didn't matter if she married someone that wasn't Jewish or if her children were Jewish. I specifically remember her father saying that all that mattered to him was Bar being happy. Bar's family is not religious so that's why I doubt this comment came from Bar's father. It seems that Bar's family gets along great with Leo and I doubt they would pressure him to convert to Judaism especially since they're not observant. I have a feeling that Bar's publicist will deny that her father made the comment. What do you all think about this? I especially want to hear from Refaelishop who might have some insight about this.


Is this the interview?

Thanks to shaolin and ginette!

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Anyone who speak Hebrew can translate what Bar says about Leo towards last 2 min of clip (its from 2007)


I asked the person who uploaded the vid and she or he said:

that she knew she will be in the magazine before they start dating, because other models said she got it because of him

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