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Izabel Goulart

Guest Anonymous

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Joe, it wasn't your fault considering those came from AAOF. And we all know that AAOF are a bunch lying liars who lie. How were you supposed to know that the girl in the pics with the big lips and fake-ass tan was not Izabel?


:laugh: no Vamp, you misunderstand. I heard first on AAOF by topsecretgirl that my full post didn't show up. And since i usually copy and past most of my post, if I missed it there the original here was probably bad to. AAOF has none of the blame.

I take full responsibility. I got the pics and scanned them. But as you can see, I knew it wasn't Iza ... if you read the added detail in blue of my post.

So it's sadly not liars ... but stupidity. :doofywave:

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Érika dos Mares Guia arma festa para vips em Angra dos Reis

Érika dos Mares Guia está organizando uma grande festa em sua casa de Angra dos Reis. A badalação começa na noite do próximo sábado (24) e se estende até a manhã de domingo (25).

O evento, que será animado pelas pick ups do DJ Michel Saad, promete reunir vips e descolados de Belo Horizonte, São Paulo, Rio e Brasília. Érika fechou uma pousada ao lado de sua residência para receber os convidados.

Devem passar por lá Daniela Sarahyba, Izabel Goulart, André Queiróz, Vanessa de Oliveira, Matheus Mazzafera, entre outras personalidades.

she is going to be today in a party in angra dos reis

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