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Frida Aasen


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Freshman Model Class of 2013: The New Faces to Watch

As designers prepare for the next season’s collections, we wonder which models will emerge as stars, and this bright group of young women are about to matriculate into the school of Models to Watch. They’re the faces agents predict (whether by scientific calculation or mystical divination, we cannot say) will win hearts—and contracts—this season. Call them the freshman class of 2013: they have the walk, look and personality to get people talking. “This group was under the radar last year,” says casting director James Scully, “I feel these girls will really be worth watching for this upcoming season.” This class hails from all over the world—from Norway to the East Coast to South Korea—and soon enough, they may graduate to global stardom.


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Here is an interview she did recently from inoubliable model army

Exclusive Interview - Frida Aasen

Norwegian newcomer Frida Aasen stopped me dead in my tracks when I first spotted her in the Chelsea area whilst enroute to a casting during the Spring/Summer 2013 season. As she scurried past me on 9th Avenue, I greeted her by name and she paused with a genuine look of surprise and then a warm smile as I introduced myself and Inoubliable Model Army. In the flesh, Aasen literally resembles a living doll - golden rapunzel-like hair, a porcelain perfect complexion, offset by the sweetest baby blues and a pout to rival Brigitte Bardot's. Eighteen year old Aasen has been modelling for the past 2 years and has walked for the likes of Prada, Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Loewe and Carolina Herrera. Currently in her final year of school, Aasen is focused on completing her higher school education before committing to modelling full-time.

Touted by influential casting director James Scully as a key face to watch, you can expect Aasen to make select appearances during the impending Fall/Winter 2013 collections. Smart move on the part of her management teams at Women Model Management in New York, Modelwerk in Hamburg, and mother agency Scoop Models in Copenhagen. Inoubliable Model Army is an advocate of the benefits associated with a "long, slow burn" approach to modelling. In other words, investing the time and resources into a new model to allow her develop her craft, build confidence and to gain invaluable life experience which will serve her well in the long-term. Inoubliable Model Army chatted exclusively with Aasen in between classes, homework and castings about her life as a regular 18 year old, the challenge of overcoming her shyness, and getting up to monkey business with photographers Sean & Seng.

Inoubliable Model Army: Hallo Frida, thank you for taking the time to chat to Inoubliable Model Army. Your rise through modelling's ranks has been gradual and now you are tipped by influential casting director James Scully as a key face to watch for during the Fall/Winter 2013 season. Are you looking forward to the next round of shows and what physical and mental preparations are you making to prepare for the onslaught of the month of fashion mayhem?

FA: Hallo! I am always looking forward to show season! Even though it can be really tough, it is still so much fun. My only form of preparation is eating healthily to both get my energy levels up and to make my skin as clear as possible. This is mostly to ensure my body is able to handle the long hours of walking around the cities and the amount of stress. To prepare mentally, I try to relax and get a lot of home work done so I am not worrying too much about the lessons I'll be missing out on.

Inoubliable Model Army: There are not that many models hailing from Norway, just yourself and Erjona Ala that I can recall. Tell us a little bit about where you are from in Norway and what it is that you miss most about home?

FA: I'm from Kristiansand, located in the southern part of Norway. Kristiansand is not as big as the cities I get to visit all around the world, but I still love it. It's located by the sea and in the summer it is very beautiful. Nearly all my friends and family live there, so when I'm travelling, they are what I miss the most.

Inoubliable Model Army: Fill us in on some of the gaps. How were you discovered and were you surprised when you were scouted?

FA: I was discovered at age 14, by a scout and agent named Donna Ioannou. I was shopping for Christmas presents with my sister when Donna came up to me and asked if I wanted to become a model. I remember I thought the whole thing was a little embarrassing and surprising. There was no way I would have thought I could be a model!

Inoubliable Model Army: You appeared in a select number of shows last season during New York fashion week, popping up at Derek Lam, DKNY, Carolina Herrera and Anna Sui. You were noticeably absent in London, Milan and Paris. Was this a conscious decision on the part of your management team and will you be doing the full show circuit this season?

FA: Yes, it was a conscious decision. My school schedule is very strict as I am finishing my last year of high school. Therefore, I wasn't able to do shows in all of the cities. I am not sure how things will work out this season yet. I'm focusing on school this last semester, and waiting until I am finished to model full-time.

Inoubliable Model Army: The modelling industry is literally saturated with so many beautiful girls trying to breakthrough each show season. What do you feel are the distinguishing factors for making a positive and lasting impression on casting directors and designers?

FA: I think the best thing to so is just be yourself. Being positive and happy will make people want to work with you and remember you.

Inoubliable Model Army: How do you cope with the physical scrutiny, critique and possible rejection that comes with your profession?

FA: I try not to think about it too much and I try to distance myself from negative comments. I only stay true to myself and I know that looks are not everything in life.

Inoubliable Model Army: With so much emphasis being placed on a model's exterior being, sometimes the industry forgets that model are like anyone else, with feelings, vulnerabilities and so forth. How do you manage to maintain such a clear sense of self when you are constantly being assessed superficially on your looks?

FA: My family and friends really help me to stay grounded. Being around them makes me remember that I am just a regular 18 year old girl, who happens to have been given this opportunity. But it still doesn't change who I am.

Inoubliable Model Army: Your modelling career has been steadily on the boil with an amazing Dazed & Confused cover shoot with Sean & Seng where you are accompanied by a furry little friend. What was it like working with Sean & Seng and was it entertaining to shoot with your co-star?

FA: Working with Sean & Seng was amazing. They are so talented and really easy to work with. I had shot with them before I did the Dazed cover so I felt very comfortable. This helped a lot when the monkey was climbing all over me! It was so much fun, and the monkey was really cute. I love animals, so working with a monkey was something I will never forget!

Inoubliable Model Army: Your resumé includes editorial appearances for Love, CR Fashion Book, German Vogue, French Numéro, and V! Do you have personal preference for editorial or runway work, and what do you enjoy most about the two aspects of modelling?

FA: I don't really have favourite of the two. I like the energy and the adrenalin I get from walking the runway and seeing the hard work that lies behind both the shows and the designs. On the other hand, editorials give more freedom to be creative and it's a lot of fun being able to create an image with a photographer and a team.

Inoubliable Model Army: Where are you currently based and do you have plans to move to New York?

FA: I am still living in my hometown Kristiansand. I was in New York last summer, and I am looking forward to seeing even more of the city. I really liked the Chelsea area a lot.

Inoubliable Model Army: What do you feel are the biggest challenges that you face as a model?

FA: In the beginning I was pretty shy and it was a strange feeling to be the centre of attention, and overcoming the shyness was one of my challenges so far. I feel like I have grown a lot since I first started and have become more confident and comfortable within myself.

Inoubliable Model Army: Who are your closest model buddies and do you get the opportunity to catch up much besides during show season?

FA: One of my friends is Erjona Ala. We live in the same city here in Norway, but it's hard to find time to catch up as we are both so busy! I am also friends with Kristina Romanova and a new girl, Mila Miletic, that I lived with in New York last summer.

Inoubliable Model Army: What do you hope to achieve in the course of your modelling career and do you have a particular goal in sight?

FA: I am already so grateful for everything I have achieved in this business. I don't really have any particular goals, but I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be travelling all over the world and meeting so many talented people at my age. I wish to continue doing this.

Inoubliable Model Army: What makes you "Inoubliable" (Unforgettable)?

FA: I hope that my strong work ethic and being professional makes people remember me. I try to stay grounded as much as possible and try to stay true to myself. I am really thankful for all the opportunities that have been given to me, and I hope this is reflected in my personality.


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