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Heidi Klum

Guest MissIsabella

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Here is part 2 of the interview with Beckmann, the last 30 minutes.


Beckmann asks if Heidi feels accepted and included into American society and she says where she lives there are so many different people from all over the world it is hard to find out who is a true American. She is still considered very German by most people who know her.

She says the current US pre-elections are very interesting to watch. Beckmann says in Hollywood there seems to be an Obama-mania, because many people see in him an advancement or a personification of a development in American culture and American life. Heidi says it is a very interesting process for the US whether it is about him or McCain. She says America has never been confronted with a woman or a black man in the elections before and if either of them would win it would be something new that has never happened before in the US and that’s why she finds it so interesting to watch. Beckmann asks how strongly this issue is discussed in the home of Heidi and Seal and Heidi says her husband is taking a lot of interest and watches it on TV. She does not really know whether he favours Obama or Hilary, but says that he finds McCain too old and that he always reads off the teleprompter [they laugh]. She thinks the great thing about Obama is that he speaks from the heart and people really understand him and what message he tries to bring across. She says she is torn between him and Hilary because she thinks it’s good to have a strong woman like Hilary there. She says people think Hilary is very cold and cool, but she feels it’s not too bad to have those qualities if things get heated. She thinks it would be a great thing if a woman like Hilary would be in charge.

Beckmann asks Heidi if she would vote for the Vietnam veteran McCain. Heidi puts her head on the table and then throws her head back and says: No! She says she has met Bill Clinton once and talked to him for a while. She thought he was super! They talked about her mom and when they met a second time he asked her about her mom. She was impressed with how much he remembered about her and what they had talked about. His charismatic appeal is that he has a way with people, is very fair and seems trustworthy to her. She says she just believed him as opposed to some other people who she feels are just fake and cannot be trusted.

Beckmann asks her how much she believed the current president Bush and Heidi says: Don’t ask me this kind of stuff, I don’t know! [You can tell she does not want to talk about his politics]. She says it is a difficult issue, because so many people are dying at the moment and he is the one in charge and so many people are dying under his laws and his leadership. She thinks it’s hard to make a statement about what he did and what he does and what he should be doing. She admits she does not really understand too much about it. She says he is just one person and has many others in the background behind him who are moving along with him, but she doesn’t really know enough to comment on it. She thinks the negative feelings about Bush are about the same in Hollywood now as they are in Germany. There is always someone who likes him and someone who doesn’t. She thinks Americans are ready for a new America, because at the moment the world is pointing the finger at them too often and they just want to be perceived in a more positive way again.

Beckmann asks how big her interest in politics is and she says it depends on how the elections are going to end whether she will move back to Europe sooner than planned. Beckmann asks her what she means and she says depending on the impact the elections will have on the future politics of America she would be prepared to leave the country. She says they will see what happens and she has talked about it with Seal a few times who is also open for living in another country. Heidi then remarks that maybe it is not just politics, but also their curiosity to live somewhere completely different.

They talk about the impact of paparazzi on her life and Beckmann wants to know how freely she can move outside with her husband. Heidi says it varies. There are days where there are about 8 paparazzi outside her house following her everywhere and then they quickly go back home. Then there are days where there is nobody there and people on the street just notice them and go: Hey Seal, what’s up! She says they can be quite provocative and once started to harrass her mother. Seal then tried to defend her mom and grabbed one of the photographers by the neck. They ended up taking his picture and he was in the news the next day as: aggressive Seal. Heidi says he is the sweetest man and could not harm anyone. He just tried to protect her mom and at that moment thought it was really horrible what the paparazzi did to them. Heidi says she totally believes they are sometimes provocative on purpose to get more interesting pictures. Beckmann asks why there are hardly any critical voices against the way the press is treating Britney Spears in the US, because they are basically forcing her into her worst situations and breaking her down. Heidi says she is all over the news, they are basically making a living off Britney. But Beckmann asks why nobody speaks up in America and says we have to protect this woman’s life. Heidi says “Britney is welcome to call me and she can come and hide in our house for a few months until I have fixed her up again.” She feels terribly sorry for a young person like her to become so desperate. She says she only knows from the papers herself what happens to her and she does not know her personally and she knows that you cannot believe everything you read in the papers. But she says it’s not very pleasant to watch her get out of a car without underwear or see her kids taken away from her.

Heidi says if you do a lot of stupid stuff of course the press will print a lot of stupid stuff about you. She says her and Seal are rather boring compared to that. No one really cares what they are shopping for lunch. She says when she goes to the park with the kids and just wants to play in the sand pit with them, there is sometimes one paparazzi hiding somewhere and they phone each other and then there are more and more coming. She says she can live with one but there are other parents with their children too and once there are more reporters coming she packs up the kids and leaves.

Beckmann says he knows how close Heidi is with her family and how much Seal values their tight family unit. Beckmann asks how close their relationship is to Seals family. Heidi talks about Seals very hard childhood and that is was not easy for him, he struggled a lot. She says she had it so much easier than him, she was always very loved and protected. Seal regards Heidi’s family as his own extended family now and she thinks that is why he is such a great father, because this love and closeness is what he wants for his own children, too.

Then they are being funny:

Beckmann says: “You have three children.” And Heidi says: “Come on, ask me.” Beckmann says: “Is a fourth, fifth, sixth coming?” They both laugh. Heidi says: “How many have you got?” Beckmann replies: “I quit at two.” And Heidi goes: “See, then I am one ahead of you.” Beckmann goes: “I know and you are younger than me that’s why I have to know this now, because you are my idol.” Heidi says: “Not at the moment.”

She says she thinks children are so super and hers are all so different and she thinks having many kids is great. She always dreamt of a big family. She wants her children to be respectful and brought up well. Heidi says she thinks she was brought up well and that she is not a bad or mean person, that she has respect for people and does not judge people or look down on them. She says everybody has their place in life and she doesn’t go: I am up here and you are down there. And she wants her children to be this normal, especially since they live in Beverly Hills and everybody is so rich there and it is a place that is defined by superficialness and perfect appearance. There are big villas and everybody is privileged. It is not like back home where she comes from. That is why she wants them to be strong. She thinks that it is most important what happens at home, that you spend time with your children, explain things to them and show them how to be a good person. She likes to live there and says they are very private. She used to love New York and moved to L.A. for Seal, because he asked her and she did it for him.

She says she knows that there are still racist feelings sometimes in other people, because she married a black man. People don’t show it, but she knows that it’s there. She says there are always people who envy you or who begrudge your life and success or who have strong religious beliefs and are of the opinion that black people should not mix with white people. But she just wants to live her life and be with the man she loves and her children. And she loves how they look.

She says she could always tell her parents everything, they were always there for her and let her follow her dreams and do what she wanted. She says she had curfews, though. Beckmann asks her how important her father is for her – he manages her business and is considered very tough. She trusts him and gets his advice or he gets her advice. They complete each other and she totally trusts him. And she says he is usually right. Her mom is absolutely great and totally different from her dad. She says if it weren’t for her mom she would not be doing her job they way she is doing it now. Her mom helps her enormously and she could not leave the house and the children with someone else and feel so safe and certain that they are well cared for.

Her greatest achievement apart from her family is her own success and having had the strength to continue even when people told her that she wouldn’t succeed. She found her strength and her own voice and didn’t give up and that makes her proud.

Her greatest happiness is her family of course and if they are not there or she is away she says: It sucks!

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Thank you Stefkay for these amazing recap. :heart: :wub: :fun: You are the best horray. I have always wondered about whether people said anything to Heidi for marrying a black man. What exactly does she say about it Stefkay, if you don't mind being more detail...

Loves your recap as they say in German Danke shon(this is about the only German I know)

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