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Mathias Lauridsen


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DEADLINE for questions to Mathias is next Saturday !


what is his favorite part of modeling?

how long does he plan to continue modeling?

what does he want to do after modeling?

if he can every other job besides modeling what would it be?

does he still read/finish the harry potter books? if so what would be his favorite?

what does he love most about modeling?

what his favorite photo shoot?

who are his role models?

does he have any advice for aspiring models?

whats his favorite thing to eat and drink?

if he could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

if he got stuck on a deserted island what 3 things would he bring with him?

if he had 3 wished and couldnt wish for anymore what would he wish for?

WILL HE MARRY ME? :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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DEADLINE for questions to Mathias is next Saturday !

Does he plan on moving to the USA?

what is is favorite feature?

What is is favorite feature on a woman?

what is the last song he played on his ipod/mp3?

What is his favorite piece of clothing?

If he could switch wadrobes with anyone who would it be?

His celebrity crush?

Who are his top 3 favorite models(male or female)?

Is he inetretsed in starting his own line or acting in the future?

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Please do not hotlink from another personā€™s website, If you're not sure what hotlinking is, please visit this page for more information. HERE **edited by MauiKane

take a look!

"With some of the most luscious male models in the world seen here like

Mathias Lauridsen, Jon Kortajarena and Andres Velencoso Segura"


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Now the article from :http://models.com/feed/?p=13566

Global Beauty

The V Magazine empire continues their ongoing Model Citizens series in the upcoming VMan featuring some of the top menā€™s agencies from around the world. 3 out of the 12 are revealed here exclusively for models.com showcasing Denmark (Scoop), China (Long Teng), and Barcelona (Sight Management Studio). With some of the most luscious male models in the world seen here like Mathias Lauridsen, Jon Kortajarena and Andres Velencoso Segura, it looks like VMan still has the market cornered on male beauty; make sure to get your copy when the issue hits newsstands on November 4th.

on the picture:

Scoop Models: Photography BO EGESTRƘM, Styling Wiktor Hansson. Models: Axel Brorson, Albert Krarup, Christian Brylle, Sebastian Lund, Jesper Lund, Mathias Lauridsen. Clothing by Jean Phillip, Nicolai Dā€™Etoiles, Henrik Vibskov, Woodward.

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OMG... I didn't even see anyone else, they are invisible to me... my eyes only see Mathias :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thanks a lot Munichmarty for this, I can't wait for the rest of the pictures :drool: :drool:

I am not sure about other pics , think we have to wait.

All models on the pics let their arms hang down, MathiasĀ“ hand at his chin draws the attention automatically to him , even when you are not a fan.

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