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Natalia Vodianova


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random does anyone have a bigger image of the last pic

So here you go :)


Not so good quality but quiet bigger, sorry I couldn't find better...

no this is good enough thanks so much :)

you're welcome :)

and thank you notami for those pics, I had already seen almost all of them, but I didn't know the last black and white with "attache moi" written on it! It could be interesting to find it bigger... Where did you find it? Do you know from where it is, or, at least, the photographer? Maybe with those informations we could find it bigger...! Or maybe someone has it bigger here?

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Thank you thedarknv, I'm happy to finally know the truth about all of this... Now I hope we'll know soon the truth about the divorce, because it makes me totally crazy, and I'm always afraid of the fact that Natalia might be separated with Justin...

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Thank you thedarknv, this "pregnancy" would have been pretty surprising.

Did anyone notice that, according to Google translator, the russian site reports that she says "Unfortuntely I'm not pregnant"

Unfortunately :blink: , when in a January video (if I remember well) we see her answering a question about extending the family : "No, I'm very satisfied at the moment". And most of all, when the situation with her husband is what it seems to be (separation for months and months). This incredibly long separation really is something I can't understand. Almost one year ! Thousands and thousands of kilometers away ! Do they even keep contact at least about the kids ? How a loving father (if not a husband) can remain so far so long when there is no material (= professional) need for it ? Thinking of all the essential things he misses with the little ones. Would they even be able to remember and recognize him ? I used to think that he looked soooo sweet and kind as a man. Doesn't he love them ? Really I'm so sad for Natalia and her kids. Sorry for the negative thoughts, but I get them on my heart and I think Natalia is very brave. Getting ready to hear about the divorce now.

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Sunshine06, I do not think that we know for a fact that Justin has been continuously away. He does go to Uruguay but no one said that he is in residence there without leaving. I am inclined to think that he attends to their estate there not on continuous basis. I do not recall any reputable source reporting that he has not left Uruguay. Natalia also has stringent traveling schedule so I think that when she is away he must be home at least some times (although, it is true that she has an army of nannies and her mother visits so they help out).

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Sunshine06, I do not think that we know for a fact that Justin has been continuously away. He does go to Uruguay but no one said that he is in residence there without leaving. I am inclined to think that he attends to their estate there not on continuous basis. I do not recall any reputable source reporting that he has not left Uruguay. Natalia also has stringent traveling schedule so I think that when she is away he must be home at least some times (although, it is true that she has an army of nannies and her mother visits so they help out).

I agree with you Pautinka, that we have no evidence he has not left Uruguay. Actually there has been a (reliable ? :whistle: ) report once in the russian press about him being in Cannes and another time in Germany. The only pictures we saw of him since march are in Uruguay (on a FB page, he is with male friends and still have his alliance, then the very recent ones with the woman, did you notice he doesn't have his alliance anymore :( )

But we don't have the slightest hint that he has ever met Natalia nor his kids since march. Do they even phone each other ???

Coming back and staying home when Natalias's shedules ask her to move (which is extremly often) would mean excellent communication between them. I don't know but I have the feeling it is not the case.

You know I LIKED Justin very much, as much as Natalia, I used to find him so "special". But now I am seriously wondering about what he's worth (in terms of human values, not of money , I don't know if I make myself clear ;) ) ? Sorry to be so hard about him, as I repeat, I used to like him a lot. I'd like to change my mind once again.

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Sunshine06, I see what you mean. I think you are simply nervous about the possible legal separation between them :( I can relate to that too. I used to like Justin as well. They seem to suit each other so much and both were sacrificing a lot for each other. Sadly, this is the reality of life, that even good people break up, even when they suit each other... He might have blamed her for not spending enough time with kids, she might have blamed him for not working, not painting. All we can do is to wish them well on their own. Or maybe wish them well TOGETHER!! that'd be awesome.

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