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Natalia Vodianova


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she is so kind and generous. This is from http://nataliavodianova-fan.blogspot.com/:

On setting up the foundation: She was watching the tragic Beslan affair unfold on TV. 'I was really so upset, so depressed. I couldn't believe people could be such animals. At the time I thought the children wouldn't really care about all the money going over there, but maybe something like a playground would help them forget. Not forget but rehabilitate'.

On Therapy: 'When a friend first told me about it, I was doubtful, I kept saying I don't need it, but actually it was amazing how many things I needed to sort out from my childhood, how talking things through subtly changed my life'.

On giving money to her estranged father: 'It's normal to do that, no? I give it to so many people who aren't blood, so why not him? Although to be honest I haven't done a great deal for him. I'd rather help his children'.

On her lifetime plans: 'Well, I can tell you it will never be politics, no way, no way. Philanthropy, yes, maybe; and the lifestyle thing? Well, let's say that is one of my dreams, to do some sort of TV programme where I could teach Russian women how to balance being rich and having style. You don't have to be an oligarch's wife to have a beautiful house and be stylish and feel good about yourself, you know'."

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