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Miranda Kerr


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Miranda Kerr's jetlag secrets

Drink lots of water, get plenty of rest and avoid alcohol on long flights to feel rested when you touch down, says Miranda Kerr.

Vogue's April covergirl Miranda Kerr reveals how she makes long-haul flights and hotel-room living a little healthier.

How do you stay healthy while travelling on long-haul flights?

“Normally when I am travelling long haul it means the minute I touch down I head straight to a job, so I drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. I also have a blend of superfoods that I add to a bottle of water and sip throughout the flight to ensure I’m getting the vitamins and minerals needed. I avoid alcohol and try to get lots of sleep - a silk eye mask and cashmere wrap are travel essentials, as are my Kora Organics Balancing Rose Mist and Vitamin Enhanced Lip Balm.”

What’s the first thing you do when you arrive at your hotel?

“Shower, dry body brush and take a walk in the fresh air or do a quick workout at the gym.”

Do you stock your hotel room with a stash of healthy snacks?

“Luckily my friends and family know what I love so I often arrive home to my favourite nutritious snacks. I also like the minibar to be emptied prior to my arrival so I can fill it with fresh organic cold-pressed juices.”

Do you carry any snacks in your handbag?

“I like to keep a mix of organic goji berries, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and macadamia nuts.”

What are your favourite cafes and restaurants in Sydney?

“I love Chiswick in Woollahra; the menu changes seasonally as they grow a lot of their produce. I also love Kawa, an organic café in Surry Hills.”

And in Melbourne?

“In Melbourne a favourite for a treat is a Japanese restaurant called Mikoshi in Fitzroy Street, St Kilda. The signature chicken Mikoshi burger is delicious! Cookie in the city is also great - I love the atmosphere.”

Who do you see for a massage in each city?

“I have a couple of therapists I switch between depending on my needs.”

Where do you work out or train in each city?

“I don’t have a regimented exercise plan. I like to mix it up with ocean swims, walking the Bondi to Bronte, and like to do yoga and matt pilates wherever I am.”

Do you have a favourite juice delivery company in Sydney and Melbourne?

“In Sydney I have two: Lucky You and Orchard Street.”

What are your three all-time favourite wellness tips?

“Feed your body with clean, nutritious food and treat occasionally; keep active with exercise you enjoy; and laugh a lot - it’s the best therapy!”

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When was your first contact with fashion?

When I was growing up I spent lots of time with my cousins at my Grandma’s house. My cousins and I played ‘dress ups’ in her closet. She has great style and really influenced me, the one thing that stayed with me was that fashion didn’t need to be expensive or complicated… just worn with grace and confidence!

What has been your most memorable moment on a shoot?

I never forget the first time I shot with Steven Meisel. He is creative genius.

You are a fashion icon and are regularly featured in the “best dressed” lists of fashion magazines. Where do you get your style inspiration?

I love fashion, and feel honoured that people like my style… I don’t really think about it too much. I dress depending on my mood and the occasion.

Who are your style icons?

I have always admired Audrey Hepburn’s style, and my grandmother has always been a style icon to me… I love her classic and timeless style. She can bring the most amazing outfit together with accessories… and I often wear her vintage dresses.

How do you keep in shape?

I exercise regularly – be it yoga, hiking, pilates or resistance training… I try and do some form of exercise each day that I enjoy. I also eat healthily and follow the 80/20 rule, meaning that 80% of the time I eat healthily and 20% of the time I allow myself to indulge. I believe it’s important to try and have a balance between the two!

Do you have any beauty secrets you would like to share with us?

I use my KORA Organics range of skincare, which is certified organic, and has natural ingredients that are very nourishing for the skin. The skin is our largest organ so it’s very important to take care of it. I follow a three-step routine, morning and night, of cleansing, toning and moisturising. It’s vital to maintain the health of my skin for my work.

How has maternity changed your life? Has it affected your style?

Having my son has been the best thing that has happened to me! I think it has affected my style in the sense that I like to wear comfortable clothes and flats to be able to run around with him.

What are your favourite 5 pieces of the collection (see separate images)?

The fedora with the pattern stripe, an oversize white blazer, high waisted black skirt, ripped jeans and black and white stripe blazer.

What is the last book you read?

I recently read Just Kids by Patti Smith. And loved it Right now I am reading…. At the moment I am reading Truth vs Falsehood by David Hawkins. I take it with me when I travel and every time I read it, I find something new!

What are your hobbies? Things you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Spare time for me is rare, just like any Mom! When I do find some spare time

I like to spend it with my son and my husband, I love to cook for them. If we can, we spend time outdoors in nature.

What do you always carry in your handbag?

Iphone, RMS concealer, KORA Organics Daily Hand Cream, a Rose Quartz crystal, a KORA Organics Face Mist (either Rose which is balancing, Citrus which is uplifting) and my chakra balancing wand. Plus I love a red lip, so often I have a red lip tint in may handbag.

You are very active on social networks, why is it important for you to have this social profile?

I love connecting with people. I’m a very visual person so I love instagram!

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Anywhere with my family….

Source: Mango Facebook & keepthebeat.mango.com

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The Australian edition of GRAZIA magazine was canceled. It was announced that Elle Australia will launching with the October 2013 issue (on sale this September). The accompanying website, Elle.com.au, will also debut in August. I hope we'll see Miranda on the cover :PinkCouture2:

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WOW :huh:

Yesterday SMH wrote that negotiations are continuing. Maybe it's better? Of course it was one of the main sources of her income but many people said that David Jones limited Miranda's action in Australia. I wonder what DJ is going to do when the sale starts to fall ;). She said that her schedule is full until the end of the year so fingers crossed for another big contract. She was a brilliant Ambassador

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