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What areas or groups would you like to see or know more models from :) ? You can either list yours or give references and names (preferrably with pics :whistle: ) to someone else's response :) .

DISCLAIMER: Please no monologues about height :cain: . Even if you were to go that route, there are more important issues there like access to credible agencies, the agendas of those in power, role models/heroes you can relate to when you're growing up...and so on...Plus print catalogue and commercial print is fashion modeling as well :) .

NOTE: You can name places, groups or types YOU would like to know more from, they don't have to be rare. You may just want to know some beyond the status quo or you may want to know some in specific areas of modeling. And since this is "General Babe Discussion" they can be general celebs like singers or actresses if you want :hehe: .

Here are some for me...

Hawaii (I only know Jarah, Aline and Cali)

Venezuela (so many pageant tiles and no models :lost: ? )

Colombia (I know Karren...)

Iran (Persia)


Beliz :unsure: ???

Philippines :unsure: ?


Indonesia :unsure: ?


Cuba :unsure: ?


Iceland :unsure: ?


I just want to know what everyone thinks, please share :) .


Liya Kebede is from Ethiopia.

Why do you want to know some models from Cuba or Zimbabwe?? :|

I mean, maybe it has sth to do with political situations in these countries....


JAPAN, without a question. I love Ai Tominaga, but she's not so young and demanded anymore <_< Rila Fukushima is so edgy, but I doubt she'll reach the top with her height :( Tao Okamoto is...brr... nothing special...I'm running out of high-fashion models here :blink:


Venezuela-What OP said. The only Venezuelan model I know of is Aida Yespica.

Sweden-I know Swedes are notoriously hot, but I can't name too many Swedish models.

Jordan-Heard there are gorgeous women there, but I don't know of any.

Iran-I know numerous hot non-famous women with Iranian/Persian heritage, but I don't know of many famous ones.


if you know of yasmin lebon, you know of a iranian supermodel :yes:

here she is, though she doesnt really model anymore :/

id like to see more american indian girls, brenda schad is the only indian topmodel i know of

joe, patricia velasquez is a venezuelan super,remember her from 'the mummy'??

tahitian/polynesian of any extraction would be gorgeous to look at :wub:


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