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Barbara Palvin


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palvinbarbaraGerman media have reported that Barbara is in Baku, Azerbaijan, this weekend, supporting Lewis Hamilton during the European Grand Prix. Also, the Sky F1 reporter Ted Kravitz said in his video diary/show that Barbara was present in Baku and that she's there as Lewis' personal guest.

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This interview was made via emails and it's pretty off-putting. Platitude-like, witless, inane questions.


Seriously, like:


Q: In most of the interviews, you appear as a kind, funny little girl, as if this was the image they fabricated for you. Are you really like this? Don't you think it's time for you to convey an impression of a mature woman?


B: No image was forced on me. I started the profession at the age of 13, so the audience knew me as a little girl. During the years this changed somewhat, but the girlie-ness, the playfulness, I'd like to never grow out of this, cause it's part of my personality.


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3 hours ago, 17 Moments of Spring said:

This interview was made via emails and it's pretty off-putting. Platitude-like, witless, inane questions.


Seriously, like:


Q: In most of the interviews, you appear as a kind, funny little girl, as if this was the image they fabricated for you. Are you really like this? Don't you think it's time for you to convey an impression of a mature woman?


B: No image was forced on me. I started the profession at the age of 13, so the audience knew me as a little girl. During the years this changed somewhat, but the girlie-ness, the playfulness, I'd like to never grow out of this, cause it's a part of my personality.



Q: ...  ...  Who is that ex-model whose career is the most desirable for you?

B: I look up to the models who can stay in the limelight after starting a family. We can see a plenty of precedents for this worldwide, the most known ones may be Gisele Bündchen or Natalia Vodianova. Starting a family is important for me too, and I hope I will be able to shape things so that I can fulfill the requests at that time too.


B: Since Hercules, there were more requests to participate in movies, but unfortunately I had to decline because of my other duties. Further on,  I would be fain to put myself to the proof on that field too.


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