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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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A early 2025 release?🥹 I was hoping for a late 2024 release so that the film could possibly take part in the Award show season 24/25..

I'm confused acout the 80s comment. The cars and clothes definitely didn't look like 1980 to me.

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I will be in Pawhuska/Fairfax this weekend and was going to try and see if I could get some pix of the KOTFM behind the scenes book. However, it appears the two places that have it may be closed this weekend. I’ll still give it a try.

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6 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:










Be brave, happy, strong, independent and never afraid to tell the world exactly what you want!!! 💋💪:angie:🚺♀️🍀🌈






Thanks for the wishes! Same to you and all the other amazing Leo fans right here!😘

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On 3/8/2024 at 3:42 AM, akatosh said:

@SugarwaterOh that'd be a bummer, but thanks for trying!

The Pawhuska Library is closed on weekends, and the Osage Museum didn’t have it and if even they did, you can’t take photos or video inside the museum. However, we went to a shop in Fairfax and I bought a few items including a signed copy of KOTFM book and I took the below pictures. I will go back to Pawhuska on a day the library is open and try again for pictures of the Behind the Scenes
























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@Sugarwater Despite Lilys harsh criticism I started watching YELLOWSTONE recently (was just too nosy about this show and so far I actually like it lol) and now I have a question (excuse me if it's a dumb one). Native people always living in so called Indian reservations in movies or tv shows (like Jacob Blacks people the Quileute in TWILIGHT sry again if it's a poor example but I watched those movies so many times and I just loved all the indians faces and stories but don't know how accurate they were portrayed).



However I understand it's like a village with pretty much everything (school, physician etc) exclusively from indians for indians but originally MADE by white people because from my understanding and how it was shown in KOTFM your people were removed (obviously not by choice) from their lands into reservations.


Now my question: is that the only place you can live as an indian in america til today? Is it like law? Or could you just move to another place where... well... all the white people live? Going to "common" schools and universities? Also in those reservations do you live there with pretty much every tribe or is it like every tribe has their "own" reservation?


That were actually more than 1 question. Nevermind 😄


Also never forget Solomon Trimble that actor from the first Twilight movie playing Sam Uley left the films bc they wanted him to cut his hair and he refused. I hope he’s doing well despite he stood up for himself and against Hollywood 🌈🍀


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@Jade Bahr  

I have never seen Yellowstone or Twilight, so I cannot comment on their indigenous portrayal. Your questions are complicated ones just due to the sheer vastness of the North American continent and how many separate indigenous people live in North America (US, Canada, Mexico). In the US alone there are 574 federally recognized tribes and hundreds more that are not federally recognized. I live in the state of Oklahoma which has 67 tribes, 39 of those are federally recognized. You cannot compare tribes to each other. They have different language, culture, histories, and colonization traumas. I myself have the same questions as you do. I have never seen or experienced the “reservations” they talk about in the movies. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist somewhere. The may exist in North Dakota or Arizona or Montana, but those states are thousands of miles from where I live and I have never visited them. The “reservations” portrayed in movies do not exist and have never existed in Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, the word reservation is just another word for territory, boundary, or jurisdiction. A person traveling around Oklahoma would have no idea which tribe’s boundary they were in unless you have a map that gives you that specific information. The entire state of Oklahoma is Indian Territory, so if you are in the state of Oklahoma, you are in some tribe’s boundary/reservation. For example, Pawhuska and Fairfax are in Osage territory/reservation. Part of Tulsa is in Cherokee territory and the rest of Tulsa is in Creek territory and at the same time Pawhuska, Fairfax, and Tulsa are in Oklahoma State territory. The boundaries are used in the same way county or town boundaries are used. Any Native person can live wherever in the world they want to. We are not different than any other human being. I understand your question though, and no there is no law dictating where or how we live. We attend all the same schools, universities, hospitals, eat at all the same restaurants, go to all the same movie theatres, sporting events. Just like in KOTFM, the white people and the native people lived in the same neighborhoods, went to the same bars, played in the same pool halls, shopped in the same stores, walked up and down the same streets, participated in the same parades, rode the same trains. I live within the boundaries of Cherokee Nation. In fact, I live in Tahlequah which is the capitol of Cherokee Nation. On the street where I live, there are White, Black, Asian, Puerto Rican, Cherokee, Creek, Osage, and Ponca people living in the houses, just like anywhere else in the US. Below are a couple of maps of the tribal boundaries in Oklahoma. The first one hangs in my house. I included the second one just because it is easier to read. I live in Cherokee Nation which covers 14 counties in northeastern Oklahoma, which is the size of the state of Vermont. 





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@Sugarwater thx so much for your detailed response :flower: Love to learn more about your culture (or every culture). Here in germany we never really thematised the faith of the native amercian though I remember having talked in school about Christopher Columbus but it never really was adressed that he practically initiated a genocide.


There is also a tv show with Lily called "Reservation Dogs". Have you watched it?



Or can you recommend any movies or shows that portrayed native history accurate?


Even though Lily didn't win last night let's appreciate for a sec how spectacular she looked. #queen

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more in her own thread

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