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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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@Fash according to the source, it was just printed in this month's issue of Grazia magazine so maybe it'll spread pretty soon.

Yeah the chances of it spreading is even greater since its in a big mag as opposed to just a blog... however they said Leo's pic wasn't included in the mag. So maybe that might slow things down a bit... but both pics are on the internet now so fair game :p

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Aomg! Tks a loooot! Just loved these adorable pics of Leo and Blake! :wub: Leo is always so funny,he has a great sense of humor! LOL :laugh:

I may be wrong,but this couple has a great connection,really! You know one thing girls...I've been his fan for over 13 years,and I need to say I've never seen him like that! So carefree,so happy...so Leo! That's the Leo we all know,as I always say here...I just want him to be happy,and now I really see him as a happy man, as he used to be in his youth! And if he's happy,I'm happy too! ;)

So,we have a new fan here now right? Welcome, and I always say one thing...Leo fans are the best! :laugh:

Kisses girls! :kiss:

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I may be wrong,but this couple has a great connection,really! You know one thing girls...I've been his fan for over 13 years,and I need to say I've never seen him like that! So carefree,so happy...so Leo! That's the Leo we all know,as I always say here...I just want him to be happy,and now I really see him as a happy man, as he used to be in his youth! And if he's happy,I'm happy too! ;)


Awwww too sweet Pami! Great post!! :heart:

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New movie news!!

Leonardo DiCaprio Attached To ‘The Gambler’ Remake At Paramount With Martin Scorsese

In what shapes up as a reteam for the writer, director and star of the Oscar-winning The Departed, Leonardo DiCaprio is attached to star in The Gambler, a Paramount remake of the 1974 drama that starred James Caan as an academic whose gambling addiction begins to get the best of him. William Monahan is writing the script as a potential directing vehicle for Martin Scorsese. DiCaprio recently completed the Clint Eastwood-directed J. Edgar, and he’s playing Jay Gatsby in Baz Luhrmann’s remake of The Great Gatsby for Warner Bros, based on the F. Scott Fitzgerald classic. DiCaprio then takes a villainous turn in the Quentin Tarantino-directed Django Unchained for The Weinstein Company.

The gambler was a gritty 70s film which Caan did when he was one of the top stars in Hollywood. His gambling addiction got to the point where he convinces a student athlete to shave points so he can win a bet, and the high from risking everything takes him into even darker places. DiCaprio has so far starred for Scorsese in Shutter Island, The Departed, The Aviator and The Gangs of New York. DiCaprio is repped by Rick Yorn.


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I may be wrong,but this couple has a great connection,really! You know one thing girls...I've been his fan for over 13 years,and I need to say I've never seen him like that! So carefree,so happy...so Leo! That's the Leo we all know,as I always say here...I just want him to be happy,and now I really see him as a happy man, as he used to be in his youth! And if he's happy,I'm happy too! ;)


Awwww too sweet Pami! Great post!! :heart:

Tks Fash!That's what I really feel! :wub:

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Pami: I totally agree with your statement because I think exactly the same! SO RIGHT, I think Leo and Blake are the perfect match.

I may be wrong,but this couple has a great connection,really! You know one thing girls...I've been his fan for over 13 years,and I need to say I've never seen him like that! So carefree,so happy...so Leo! That's the Leo we all know,as I always say here...I just want him to be happy,and now I really see him as a happy man, as he used to be in his youth! And if he's happy,I'm happy too!

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Pami: I totally agree with your statement because I think exactly the same! SO RIGHT, I think Leo and Blake are the perfect match.

I may be wrong,but this couple has a great connection,really! You know one thing girls...I've been his fan for over 13 years,and I need to say I've never seen him like that! So carefree,so happy...so Leo! That's the Leo we all know,as I always say here...I just want him to be happy,and now I really see him as a happy man, as he used to be in his youth! And if he's happy,I'm happy too!

Tks Barbie! That's our Leo in his true essence! ;)

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New Sydney sighting of Leo


@shirleypak Shirley


2 minutes ago via web

More tweets about Leo being at Sydney's aquarium , as well as, confirmation from aquarium he was there

Sydney_Aquarium Sydney Aquarium

Superstar and HUGE anti-shark finning campaigner Leonardo DiCaprio just popped in to see us at Sydney Aquarium :) #stopsharkfinning

2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

InHandGuides InHandGuide

RT @sydneytowereye: We spy with our Sydney Tower Eye... Leonardo DiCaprio heading into Sydney Aquarium earlier this afternoon :)

1 hour ago

anlyOceanworld Oceanworld Manly

So, we've just heard from our friends at Sydney Aquarium that Leonardo DiCaprio paid them a visit today. He's a... fb.me/13TTtOjC6

1 hour ago

TussaudsSydney Madame Tussauds

Leonardo DiCaprio has been checking out Sydney Aquarium today (and yes, we mean the REAL Leo!) #stopsharkfinning

2 hours ago


Thanks for great news about another possible Leo & Scorsese movie.:)

I hope it comes to be.

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Hello everyone. I'm new here. I am a big fan of Blake for many years. I started reading these posts to learn about the man who makes my girl so happy. I've never seen Blake so happy and smiling. I started researching about Leo and I started to like him more. This summer saw all his movies. I loved the Departed. Someone explain to me why he did not receive an Oscar for this movie or Blood diamants. He is magnificent.

Sorry for my bad English ...

welcome Ani! :wave:

always glad to see more Leo fans! :wave:

great,you watched all Leo's movies!

thanks for everything girls! :wave:

I'm so glad about Leo-Marty movie news,so I'm gonna dance a little dance ! :guitar: :ddr: :dance: :clap: :hell yea!:

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Omg, LOOOL :rofl:


Oh Leo... :laugh: :laugh:

Guess we know Blake's secret now :p


such a great find aomg! :clap: good job hun! :wave:

Leo looks soo cute! OMG he's so crazy man! :wub:

Blake's pic is so cute too! :wub:

I may be wrong,but this couple has a great connection,really! You know one thing girls...I've been his fan for over 13 years,and I need to say I've never seen him like that! So carefree,so happy...so Leo! That's the Leo we all know,as I always say here...I just want him to be happy,and now I really see him as a happy man, as he used to be in his youth! And if he's happy,I'm happy too! ;)

mm... I don't think we've not seen him so happy for years,he also was very carefree,happy and so in love,while dating Kristen and Gisele,we've seen so many adorable pics of both of these couples! he changed a lot with Bar,he always was hiding and became a little bit aggressive with paps,but of course we saw him happy with Bar too,especially at the begining of their romance.

press is writing the same as they did in the past: source said,he's never been so in love, ... he changed a lot.. bla bla bla.... just the same things they were writing about Leo-Gisele,Leo-Bar period and I guess the same was with Kristen,but I was very little at that time,so I don't know exactly! but I'm pretty sure about that :p

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Awww Otis has grown so fast! He's too cute. I think its time for pics of Leo out with Otis and Ruby! I know he must spend a good amount of time with them but we've only got one pap pic of him with Ruby(his face was covered by her though) and then those personal photos someone took at the park of him with Ruby. None of him with Otis :(

Thanks for sharing the pic By princess :)

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Incredible... you girls find everything. I'm so surprised.

Aomg, oxford, fash, joujou, kat, sick, halolulu, by_princess... you work for the CIA? :ninja: I'm scared. Because you don't lose anything, nothing at all. That way we here in Brazil cannot compete :laugh: . This picture of them with the book was too much... I'm laughing so far. I imagine the guy asking Leo to take this photo... hilarious. The two on the same day... they could have posed together, or is it ask too much? I loved, thanks for posting :wub: . Ah... and I can't forget: I have to buy this book :laugh: .

Leo working with Marty again... how cool is that? And again with Monahan, who wrote the screenplay for The Departed... will be amazing, I hope it's confirmed. I loved. Thanks fash for this lovely info.

And about the video you posted, the one with Kevin and Lukas... I felt sorry for Lukas, nobody asked to take a picture with him? Surely they're missing Leo, especially Lukas :blush: .

Thanks oxford for the tweets.

And thanks by_princess for the photo of Jennifer and the kids.

seriously this child needs spend more time with the boys including his uncle Leo

Totally agree with you.

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mm... I don't think we've not seen him so happy for years,he also was very carefree,happy and so in love,while dating Kristen and Gisele,we've seen so many adorable pics of both of these couples! he changed a lot with Bar,he always was hiding and became a little bit aggressive with paps,but of course we saw him happy with Bar too,especially at the begining of their romance.

press is writing the same as they did in the past: source said,he's never been so in love, ... he changed a lot.. bla bla bla.... just the same things they were writing about Leo-Gisele,Leo-Bar period and I guess the same was with Kristen,but I was very little at that time,so I don't know exactly! but I'm pretty sure about that :p

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