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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks fashiondream about the sightings! And sad about the polar bear :cry:

Yeah Barbie that departed scene is so sexxyyy! :drool:

And thanks wijn for the interview. I love it when Leo said "When I put on a smile pretending to like the press" when hes talking about lieing! :laugh:

And I miss pics of Leo too :cry: :(

Hi cocobeachgirl, sweet to see ya posting! :wave:

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I know I already posted about this before, but this is the whole interview:

“Next!”, roept de PR-babe.

“Hi, I’m Leo”, says the man in the chair without looking up or down. A make-up lady is powdering his nose. I’m taking a seat in the other chair and watch. He closes his eyes and the make-up lady is rubbing pancake al over his face. We’re only one-and-a-half meter apart and I can smell mister DiCaprio has been smoking a lot of cigarettes lately.

“I’m sorry you had to wait. I really needed a break” He opens his eyes and two blue circles are looking at me in a very friendly way.

So this is the man where all my female colleagues were jealous about. Why they would love to assist me on my way to this interview, why they would have carried my tapes if I asked them on this journey.

Leo is Leonardo DiCaprio.



A handsome guy with a tight body.

I meet up with him in an uber-fancy five star hotel in London. The reason for our conversation is his newest film, Blood Diamond.

“Leo doesn’t give any autographs, you can’t take a picture with him, and he doesn’t do any station calls’’.

The PR-babe of Warner Bros is giving me a look that doesn’t allow any resistance. Over 30 camera crew out of all Europe flew to London to talk to Leonardo, and the press-conference is arranged with the precision of a military operation.

“So you’re from Holland” Amsterdam! Amsterdam!” Leo exclaims.

A big smile and a row of shiny white teeth flashes at me. Leonardo is sitting next to a poster with Blood Diamond on it. The lights get dimmed and the interview starts.

“You have five minutes.” The PR-babe bitches at me, she presses her stopwatch and gets seated in a chair a little behind Leonardo

“It’s a good movie” I start “How did you prepare for your role?”

Leonardo talks about the tough accent and South-Africa, I listen impressed and time slips away.

The PR-babe raises her hand, only four minutes left. Leonardo talks about the people in Africa, how realistic the film is, and a visit to Diamond-city Antwerpen. The PR-lady gets up and starts waving with both hands. I get the message.

There’s still one thing I would like to ask Leo: “Did you stop buying diamonds for dates and girlfriends?”

“Well, you can make for damn sure that if I buy diamonds they won’t be from any conflict-zone” the actor grins.

“Thank you” the PR-babe shouts. The cameras stop rolling and the lights go on.

I shake Leo’s hand quickly, just before the make-up lady attacks his face with a powder brush.

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thanks sick! I remember that I saw Leo live on tv that day, I was watching that game and I became so excited!!!

I guess you right kat, I have never noticed that before and I saw this video so many times, seems that his godson was trying to inform Leo that they are on big screen but he was not taking attention on him, Leo was chatting with that woman by his side, funny! :laugh:

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I thought I would inform you guys that when I read my Glamour magazine, it had the sexiest woman/woman of hollywood of the year, which was kate winslet, then they had a list of the sexiest guys. Leo came in at #5 out of a list of about 15! :clap:

Also Titanic got #1 love scene in a car.


1.“Titanic” - Who could ever forget Jack and Rose played by steamy co-stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet? The passionate lovemaking inside a car with foggy windows was truly a work of art.

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