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I dont know if the info is very reliable but ...

Hammer And DiCaprio Will Wear Old-Age Makeup For Hoover

Armie Hammer is the cast member of The Social Network with perhaps the least famous name, but he's experienced the same surge of career choices as all the other actors, and is getting ready to star in Clint Eastwood's biopic Hoover alongside Leonardo DiCaprio. We already know many of the exciting details about the movie, which stars DiCaprio as former FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover and Hammer as his longtime assistant and romantic partner Clyde Tolson. Judi Dench is also on board to play Hoover's mother, a casting move Hammer described to Vulture as "really perfect."

And while they had him, Vulture also asked about how he'll handle the scope of the film, which meets Toulson and Hoover as young men but follows them through to their 70s in flash-forwards. Instead of bringing in older actors, Hoover and DiCaprio will be handling the full life cycle:

"I'm playing Toulson up to his elderly age! Makeup stuff comes within the next couple weeks. We're definitely doing a lot of wardrobe stuff right now, but the makeup stuff we haven't done yet."

Old age makeup is a huge gamble, of course-- one bad prosthetic and you've ruined the effect entirely-- but you've got to at least see it as a good omen that Hammer previously worked with David Fincher, who pioneered new aging techniques in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Yeah, sure, that's a bit of a stretch, but with everything else about Hoover looking so promising, it seems silly to focus on the one thing that might be tough to pull off. Hoover starts shooting within the next few weeks, and given Eastwood's famously fast production schedule, this sucker has "fall 2011 Oscar season" written all over it. link

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Cool news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn Clint sure is fast!! I'm used to Leo's movie taking awhile after production to be released lol. This is a good thing because i hate waiting for the next leo movie to come out. The sooner the better... i have faith Clint will do a good job... and he has Leo to make sure he does a good job too heheh. I love how leo gets really involved in his movies! :p

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Interview with Greg Gorman..

We were also blown away by Greg Gorman’s exhibition-his largest to date, which featured some never-before-seen photos of subjects including Leonardo DiCaprio, Viggo Mortenson, Johnny Depp, Rupert Everett, Keanu Reeves, Mark Wahlberg, Jude Law and Tom Cruise. His larger than life, immaculately lit photos are riveting. Especially a selection of photos from his book, In Their Youth, which is reminiscent of the VH1 series, Before They Were Rock Stars. While we couldn’t get Gorman to name a favorite subject, he did admit that Leonardo DiCaprio was delightful to work with (and oh so easy on the eyes- if you ask us.)


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omg, thanks a lot fashiondream! He looks sooooo cute :heart: I love his smile too and I like his cap!

loved this too: While we couldn't get Gorman to name a favorite subject, he did admit that Leonardo DiCaprio was delightful to work with (and oh so easy on the eyes- if you ask us.) Really, should be delightful work with Leo!!!

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Probably he has returned to LA he will start to shoot Hoover soon, and yes I guess Leo will have to dye his hair of black, like he did for The Aviator, Gangs of NY and Body of Lies, also Hoover had brown eyes? because than he will have to put brown lenses. But I remember that Howard Hughes also have brown eyes and they kept Leo with those amazing blue eyes, I love in the end of Aviator that have a big close on his blue eyes when he's on the Hercules plane!

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ACADEMY AWARDS: Even worst than I imagine! Inception between the other 10 movies, Nolan SNUBBEB AGAIN, shame on you Academy! Poor Nolan, I'am so sad for him, for Leo not so much because I just expect he wouldn't be there, so is not a surprise! The Oscar surprise was the nomination of Javier Bardem for best actor, (nothing against him) but is LEO OUT!.

I'am starting to HATE all this awards, so UNFAIR!

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Look how Ironic is Adademy: Nolan wasn't nominated as best director but inception was nominated at best original screenplay, that isn't nice? So Nolan was snubbed as a director but Nolan's script wasn't snubbed, I guess it's almost the same thing, since Nolan wrote this screenplay and directed the movie! And he will have to be there on the ceremony, this is really ridiculous for Academy, sorry!

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Inception: 8 nominations, I'am happy for this. But to end up Oscar has turned for me a BIG JOKE!! :x <_< :war::no::mad: :yuckky: :banghead: :voodoo:

They are not able to recognize that a summer blockbuster with special effects could also have a good history to tell, they will never give a change for movies like this, so even that Inception is there among the others, (just because is 10 movies, if was 5 Inception wouldn't be there), will not WIN unfortunatelly because the head of the members is close for new things in cinema, are the same old thing! Also the members all vote on "their friends", they vote for who they want, not for the best in some cases! Sorry for all this but I have to express myself if not I become even angrier! :angry: :lullaby:

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ACADEMY AWARDS: Even worst than I imagine! Inception between the other 10 movies, Nolan SNUBBEB AGAIN, shame on you Academy! Poor Nolan, I'am so sad for him, for Leo not so much because I just expect he wouldn't be there, so is not a surprise! The Oscar surprise was the nomination of Javier Bardem for best actor, (nothing against him) but is LEO OUT!.

I'am starting to HATE all this awards, so UNFAIR!

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ACADEMY AWARDS: Even worst than I imagine! Inception between the other 10 movies, Nolan SNUBBEB AGAIN, shame on you Academy! Poor Nolan, I'am so sad for him, for Leo not so much because I just expect he wouldn't be there, so is not a surprise! The Oscar surprise was the nomination of Javier Bardem for best actor, (nothing against him) but is LEO OUT!.

I'am starting to HATE all this awards, so UNFAIR!


And about Javier. I dont like Javier, he is talented but Bardem is not very loved here in Spain because of his horrible attitude. He and Pe are an arrogant very unfriendly couple.

BarbieErin he was very handsome that day :blush::heart:

... the same day - VIDEO: Guillaume Canet's question for Leonardo DiCaprio

I agree Palmina, I don't like javier either, he just seems very ignorant in his interviews, and he just gives off a bad vibe. I really wish Leo would have taken his spot on the Best Actor list!! Ha and thanks for the video!! :)

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DGA announces list of presenters for Saturday ceremony

It will be a star-studded affair Saturday night at the annual DGA award ceremony, with such luminaries as Leonardo DiCaprio, Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese on hand to honor this year's best directors. Also attending will be a slew of this year's Oscar nominees, including Colin Firth ("The King's Speech"), Jennifer Lawrence ("Winter's Bone"), Melissa Leo ("The Fighter") and Natalie Portman ("Black Swan").

Other directors on hand to recognize the DGA recipients are Michael Apted, Kathryn Bigelow, James Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola and DGA President Taylor Hackford. Carl Reiner will return as the host for the 63rd annual award show at which either Darren Aronofsky ("Black Swan"), David Fincher ("The Social Network"), Tom Hooper ("The King's Speech"), Christopher Nolan ("Inception") or David O. Russell ("The Fighter") will walk away with the top prize of the evening.

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