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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I see The Social Network, it's a very good movie but for sure is not better or even close to Inception! And I saw that this movie win critic choice awards and David Fincher had won best director, sorry but Nolan is a genius for me, I can' believe he is going to be snubbed again by all this awards, and probably by Academy (unfortunatelly)! It's a shame that also probably Golden Globes tonight will not give him the recognition for his great work and amazing originality, I'am really angry about all this awards but I know that this members like movies based on real stories which is really nice, in fact the movies I like the most are the ones that have real facts or some aspects from reality but I had falling in love with Inception (that's far away from reality) but this movie really got me thrilled and I love it so much that I can't accept all this snubb, I know the movie it's being nominated and all but I just think it's not fair don't win any main category, like best movie and director, I see that have win best visual effects, but for me the movie is much more than sci-fi, it's about feelings, if it's better to live on the fantasy (the dream world) or face the reality? It's a brilliant movie and I loved sooooooo much!

Sorry for all this but I'am a little disappointed!

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Thanks sick for the premiere pics!!

Palmina, no I still believe the Hawaii pics were from before last Saturday because Cameron and Alex were with Leo and bar and yet we saw pics of Cameron and Alex before Saturday plus.. Cameron was photographed at the green hornet premiere which was on Monday January 10th then the next day Cameron was piictured at a lakers game sooo it doesn't make sense because we know they left Hawaii at the same time.

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I see The Social Network, it's a very good movie but for sure is not better or even close to Inception! And I saw that this movie win critic choice awards and David Fincher had won best director, sorry but Nolan is a genius for me, I can' believe he is going to be snubbed again by all this awards, and probably by Academy (unfortunatelly)! It's a shame that also probably Golden Globes tonight will not give him the recognition for his great work and amazing originality, I'am really angry about all this awards but I know that this members like movies based on real stories which is really nice, in fact the movies I like the most are the ones that have real facts or some aspects from reality but I had falling in love with Inception (that's far away from reality) but this movie really got me thrilled and I love it so much that I can't accept all this snubb, I know the movie it's being nominated and all but I just think it's not fair don't win any main category, like best movie and director, I see that have win best visual effects, but for me the movie is much more than sci-fi, it's about feelings, if it's better to live on the fantasy (the dream world) or face the reality? It's a brilliant movie and I loved sooooooo much!

Sorry for all this but I'am a little disappointed!

I agree, I feel like he totally got snubbed!

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I wonder if Leo will be at the globes tonight??


Leo DiCaprio & Bar Refaeli Have Table Manners

Leonardo DiCaprio brought along girlfriend Bar Refaeli for a fun evening at MyStudio’s Animal Tuesdays in Los Angeles on Tuesday (January 10).

The 36-year-old actor and 25-year-old model celebrated the official launch of Table Manners Management presented by owners Chris Masterson, Mike Barzman, and Mike McGuiness.

Other celebs at the party included Kevin Connolly, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Ryan Cabrera, Chris Evans, and Bryan Greenberg!

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Thanks sick for the premiere pics!!

Palmina, no I still believe the Hawaii pics were from before last Saturday because Cameron and Alex were with Leo and bar and yet we saw pics of Cameron and Alex before Saturday plus.. Cameron was photographed at the green hornet premiere which was on Monday January 10th then the next day Cameron was piictured at a lakers game sooo it doesn't make sense because we know they left Hawaii at the same time.

According to popsugar: Cameron Diaz was in a mismatched bikini yesterday (January 09) to go canoeing with Alex Rodriguez in Hawaii. She and Alex are off on their latest tropical vacation together, this time with pals like Leonardo DiCaprio, Bar Refaeli Naomi Campbell, and Vladimir Doronin: link :wave:

I think the agencies and magazines have a date confusion :laugh::laugh:


-Today I saw The King's Speech starring Colin Firth. Good movie (a little bit boring) from start to finish. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush are well cast, and both deliver awards winning performances.

Leo will not be nominated for anything :ninja::blink: this year so my favorite is Colin.

Leo is long overdue for an Oscar but i have read that Paul Newman didn't win the Oscar until he was 62 ( he didn't attend the ceremony when he won) and after seven losses, Al Pacino finally won when he was 52!!

How Long Will Oscar Make Leonardo DiCaprio Wait?

Oscar likes his actresses beautiful, talented and under 40. Guys generally have to wait a little longer to win his favor. In fact, Adrien Brody is the only living Oscar-winning actor who has yet to reach his 40th birthday.

The good news? Life for actors doesn't have to end at 40. The bad? The thrice-nominated star of Titanic and The Aviator, widely regarded as one of the finest actors in his 30-to-40 age group -- give or take a Jude Law -- may have to wait until he's eligible for Social Security to finally get his due from the Academy.

so true <_< . and I hope that Leo does not go to GG ceremony, he is above those awards... it's ridiculous that the Tourist got that many nods this year!!

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Some really cute Leo quotes I found. Alot of them are so sweet and funny :blush:

"Being dubbed as a hunk sort of annoys me. It gives me a yucky feeling."

"Drugs? Every one has a choice and I choose not to do drugs"

"Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don't know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I'm a weirdo."

"I get a friend to travel with me... I need somebody to bring me back to who I am. It's hard to be alone"

"I got attention by being funny at school, pretending to be retarded, and jumping around with a deformed hand."

"I prefer ordinary girls - you know, college students, waitresses, that sort of thing. Most of the girls I go out with are just good friends. Just because I go out to the cinema with a girl, it doesn't mean we are dating."

"I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual."

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I thought this little leo mention was cute:

A Trick To Make A Girl You Like Into Your GirlFren

Posted by: frodonet

Actually I have this method to make a girl you like to accept you as a bf.

Even though it's pretty experimental, maybe some of you can try it.

The trick is,

You can ask the girl and then ask her this question,

"Do you think Leonardo Dicaprio is handsome?".(well you know she's gonna say yes) ...

So quickly before she answers it, then quickly blurted out your second question which is..

"Would you be my gf?"

She would be unable to react instantly since her brain is answering the first question.

By the time, you pop-out the second question, she have answered yes and now officially she's your girlfriend.

Now you can live happily ever after.


Would it work?


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Bring on baby

Leonardo DiCaprio and girlfriend Bar Refaeli surprised Penelope Cruz at her baby shower Saturday. Friends of the actress, who's expected to give birth to her and Javier Bardem's child any day, threw a girls' bash for her at a Hollywood mansion, but a source told us, "Leo wanted to show up to surprise her." Cruz and Bardem are now headed for a three-day break in Palm Springs to relax before their big day.


Leo and Penelope (I dont like her <_< ) are friends?


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