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Fernanda Tavares

Guest MissIsabella

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I found out about Fernanda in 2000. Victoria's Secret had a special on E television network and it was the first time I saw Adriana Lima, Lujan Fernandez and Fernanda herself. I actually thought that Fernanda was the most beautiful out of the three models.

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I found out about Fernanda in 2000. Victoria's Secret had a special on E television network and it was the first time I saw Adriana Lima, Lujan Fernandez and Fernanda herself. I actually thought that Fernanda was the most beautiful out of the three models.

i totally agree with u.

she's has such a natural beauty. she's like the most of the girls, a simple brunette. and her body is great, not that skinny how we see in the most of the young models of today.

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fresh news about fernanda!


(source: ego.com.br)

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Aborto coloca Fernanda Tavares contra Gisele Bundchen

Modelo grávida discorda de colega de profissão

A favor e contra: Gisele e Fernanda divergem sobre o aborto. A declaração de Gisele Bundchen a favor do aborto na última semana, no Rio de Janeiro, provocou um certo desconforto em Fernanda Tavares, grávida de quatro meses do ator Murilo Rosa.

Fernanda é totalmente contra o argumento da colega de profissão, que disse que aos “quatro meses não existe quase nada”. "Com um mês, a criança já tem coração", disse Tavares ao jornal “Folha de S. Paulo” desta segunda-feira, 11.

"É absurdo qualquer mulher, por mais independente que seja, defender o aborto. Estamos falando de outra vida".

Fernanda Tavares e Murilo Rosa serão pais em outubro e pretendem se casar logo em seguida da chegada do bebê.

Translated new


Abortion issue puts Fernanda Tavares against Gisele Bundchen

Pregnant model don't agree with her work collegue

In and against: Gisele & Fernanda disagree in the abortion issue . The Gisele Bundchen declaration in favour of abortion last week , in Rio de Janeiro, caused a discomfort in Fernanda Tavares, 4 moths pregnant of the actor Murilo Rosa.

Fernanda is tottally against her collegue that said “at four months don't exist a thing”. "With one month, a child already has a heart", said Tavares to “Folha de S. Paulo” newspaper this monday, 11.

"It's absurd that any women, for more independent that she can be, defend abortion. We are talking of another life".

Fernanda Tavares & Murilo Rosa will be parents in october and they pretend to get marry next.

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First shoots of Fernanda pregnant! (capt. by me)

(source: ego.com.br)

The images are from Mario Testino party in Rio de Janeiro last month.

You can see her little belly in the 2nd photo. So sweet :heart:



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Fernanda news!

(source: ego.com.br)

Original new:


12/06/2007 - 08h55

Fernanda Tavares apóia causa de crianças com câncer

Top posou vestindo a camisa da ONG 'TUCCA'

Fernanda Tavares continua engajada em projetos beneficentes. Ativista do "PETA" (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), a top acaba de abraçar a causa da "TUCCA", associação sem fins lucrativos que trata de crianças e adolescentes carentes com câncer.

A modelo posou para as lentes de Valério Trabanco com a camiseta da ONG e, em breve, deve se tornar embaixadora da organização.

Na noite desta terça-feira, 12, ela marca presença acompanhada do namorado, Murilo Rosa, de quem está grávida de quatro meses, no jantar anual promovido em prol da instituição na Casa Fasano, em São Paulo.

O evento beneficente contará com show acústico do músico Frejat e decoração de rosas e alpíneas vermelhas assinada por Luly Vidigal. Os convites custam R$ 200 e estão à venda pelo (11) 3057 0131- ramal 4.

Translated new


12/06/2007 - 08h55

Fernanda Tavares supports children with cancer cause

The top posed wearing ONG 'TUCCA' shirt

Fernanda Tavares still participate on helping projects. "PETA" (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) activist , the top participate in "TUCCA" cause, a non profit association that take care of poor children and teenagers with cancer.

The model posed to Valério Trabanco with ONG shirt and soon she'll be their ambassador.

On tuesday night, 12, she 'll be with her boyfriend, Murilo Rosa, from who sh'e 4 months pregnant , in the annual dinner promoted for the association in Casa Fasano, São Paulo.

The beneficient event will count with an acustic show of the musician Frejat and will be decorated with roses and red (alpíneas?) by Luly Vidigal. The invitations will cost R$ 200 and will be on sale by (11) 3057 0131- ramal 4.


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