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Some of Your Favorite Book Covers

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thisa cover is from my fave sci/fi author...wilhelmina baird i like the skinny blue alien hand

but what i love most is the character named 'swordfish'

he a merc/assassin and he wears a suit which renders him invisible

and hes one of the wittiest motherfuckers on earth, or in this case.. Not earth.

:alien: i fell in love w/ aninvisible man :blush:

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On 5/29/2022 at 11:10 AM, Tania82 said:

descarga (3).jpeg 5a076882-7e32-4236-875d-a672fe4740ce.jpeg descarga (4).jpeg 41ksfv9Az1L._SX195_.jpg multimedia.normal.a723db99408d35ba.4841524c45454e2d4376315f6e6f726d616c2e77656270.webp 86918-18057-105905-2-fathom.jpg 22776119860.jpg 19292571.jpg 41n1+xre1NL._AC_SY780_.jpg 64060711_45_31.jpg D_725248-MLA40174524820_122019-O__58664.1611727175.jpg 518fPRMzjSL.jpg df75e1bb234232a24183.webp Portada_de_Orgullo_y_Prejuicio.jpg content.jpeg descarga (5).jpeg 272816723_tcimg_47D29801.jpg images (5).jpeg 164530191.jpg

When I read or reread these books, I enjoy it again and again. I study at the Faculty of Philology and write a lot of research about my favorite books. At https://papersbattle.com/best-homework-help-websites/ I recently read helpful reviews and reviews of the best sites that can help me with writing the rest of my homework.

Very cool books.

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