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Guntars Asmanis


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anways an interview: :woot: :woot:

By now you know one of our favorite finds is Dandy. Nestled in Riga, Latvia, Dandy is headed by our good friend Nils who has a knack for spotting that perfect boy and girl on the street. Oh yes, this is the Baltic agency that has supplied Prada with more than a few fresh faces. Dandy has the attention of the industry but does mean Nils is easing off the throttle? Of course not! 19 year old native Guntars proves all is full steam ahead. In Paris, he’s placed in the wonderfully capable hands of Bananas Mambo.

How did you start modeling?

Guntars: I was walking down the street and one guy said hi to me, introduced himself, made some Polaroids, we exchanged contacts details and I didn’t hear from him for about a year or so. Then one day he called and said I have an option for a local magazine, I agreed and the whole adventure started. At first I didn’t trust him and he acted somewhat strange, but later I learnt that that’s just the way he is, my future agent.

What did you know about modeling before all this happened? Had you ever seen a fashion show or looked at models in magazines?

Guntars: Nope, I knew almost nothing. I had met some model girls before and found them arrogant so that probably made the whole impression about the modeling world.

What is it like where you are from in Latvia? What sort of things did u do in a normal day?

Guntars: I do the same things every other European teenager does in his everyday life. It’s a common misconception that Latvia is a small country in far east of Europe, where everyone lives in countryside and drinks vodka is not true. Well, for some part of it.

Both Europe and Russia has had great influence, so I guess Latvia has both characteristics.

Is that where the look comes from too? A mix of Russia and Europe?

Guntars: Yep, there some German and Sweden genes in the cocktail too.

What does your family do in Latvia? Do you look similar?

Guntars: My pops works at car shop and Mom is a ship manager, you know, the one who arranges crews, makes them visas and such and I have a brother, he’s a bit older than me. We fight all the time. I look much more like my Mom, because Dad has blonde hair and blue eyes. Well, he is bald now, but he had blonde hair, some time ago… long, long time ago.

And what do they think about you modeling?

Guntars: At first they were a bit suspicious, as parents usually are, but after one conversation with Nils, they totally changed their mind (isn’t he a magician?) and now they let me do whatever I want. Well, they’ve always let me make my own decisions and learn from my mistakes.

And how did you feel?

Guntars: Then? Well, it was something new and one has to try everything that there is… besides, chicks dig models.

What were your first modeling jobs?

Guntars: Two shoots for a local mag and that’s probably it… then came the Prada.

And how was the difference between doing local editorial and the Prada which is a top designer?

Guntars: If we consider the amount of stress - the same and only minutes before the shooting or the show, but Prada is much, much more serious than local mag, there everything has to be perfect, not the same with shoots. At shoots we just had a good fun doing this, I mean, people were more relaxed and I can understand why.

At Prada we spent the whole week just doing nothing and losing our minds. Then, when all of the books were read and all music listened to, we started to invent all kinds of silly games, like, playing improvised tennis with paper ball and books as rackets and stuff. The day of the show was really crowded, no chance of having some fun.

It must have been weird having make-up put on you, huh?

Guntars: Oh yeah, first time I had it done at those shoots and that was weird. After the 15th time you get used to it.

Had you ever been outside Latvia before you went off to do Prada?

Guntars: I had only been to Germany for some kind of experience exchange camp, where teenagers from five different countries came together and exchanged information about “how you do stuff in your country.”

How do you find people in other parts of Europe compared with people in Latvia? Do you think there are any things which define a Latvian person?

Guntars: I think that, lets say in France, people are more tidy than in Latvia, they follow rules and laws more strictly than we do. They are very tolerant and kind, they care more about their job than we do, e.g., I went to this newspaper kiosk once and the saleslady was like “Uhh… shit. I feel so tired today. What do you want, chum?’ This would never happen in France simply because she would get fired instantly, so if we compare average Latvian with French guy, Latvians care less about bunch of things some may call it freedom, some… well, would say it is a bad thing.

If you had to generalize a Latvian what would you say that you were all like?

Guntars: It is so hard to define a nation, because I’ve met tons of Latvians and they cover all kinds of types of people but I guess Latvians just love hockey, loads of beer and hockey, nightlife and beer and then beer again.

Are you a hockey player? What do you like to do in your free time?

Guntars: Nah, no hockey, but does DJing count? Some while ago I was quite good at running through the forest with a map and finding checkpoints, don’t know what’s the name of this thing? I love snowboarding in winter, relaxing in summer, photography too and drinking beer. I love practicing my DJing at the moment, I’m just an amateur.

Since you started modeling, have you changed anything about your lifestyle? Like beauty care, or healthy eating, more sleep…. or mentally, they way you think about things or look at people?

Guntars: Ah, well, this is one interesting thing. When I went to Milano for the first time, I didn’t have any expectations that I would make loads of money and such. It was just for fun, but in the end I did make a fortune and that has changed my life for 180 degrees now I can afford to make my dreams come true.

Two weeks ago I organized this HUGE party with loud music and entertainers and stuff, like I have always dreamed about since my childhood, and then I traveled trough Europe to France, passing by Holland which is a lovely place. As far as beauty care, no changes.

How did you think about the way you looked before you started modeling?

Guntars: When I was four to six years old I got “Oh, he’s so cute!” all the time. By the time I grew into a young adult nobody was really surprised that I started modeling.

What have been your best and worst experiences from working as a model?

Guntars: Well, best I would say was Wooyoungme half a year ago in Paris, there were three other Latvians there so we had just a great time and guys from the company were really nice we ate loads of food (and I mean tasty food) and the whole show had the right atmosphere I like.

Worst is hard to decide probably one of those crazy days when I have to make it to 13 show castings in every part of the city.

During the show season in Paris in January at Thierry Mugler, I passed out from exhaustion, lack of proper food in last three weeks, blah blah, actually, modeling is quite tough on my body this season I passed out in a subway.

Have you learnt any important lessons or any surprises?

Guntars: The longer you are a model, the less you care about common things, like, what do people around think of you and such.

I’ve seen some parts of the world, become aware, that there are other people in other countries, they do the same things I do, they suffer, they smile, you know, when it comes to it everybody’s the same.

I might have learnt these things sooner or later but the thing is that I am really happy about this random meeting with Nils, because it has changed my life to good. I have had the chance to live on my own for a month in a totally different country, which is quite a good experience.

Now that you have traveled, do you think when you’re older you will like to live in another country?

Guntars: Well, it has already been decided, that after this one year at university, I am doing my best to get into Edinburgh University and move there. I’m going to study robotics, making machines for the future. At school we had a project in science class where we had to make something and I researched robotics and found it really interesting. I learned about theories on how to program electronic devices.

Good luck with all of that. Will we be seeing you anywhere sooner in the future?

Guntars: Yes, in September I have two editorials coming out in GQ Style, one was shot in London with fake snow and they closed off the street to shoot that, the other was shot in a beautiful part of

Austria. I also have pictures coming out in Numero and Another Man.

Big thanks to Guntars and Nils for the interview!

from bannana models he might be german makes me love him even more! :p

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