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2024 SI Swimsuit - (how big will the shitshow be this year?)

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The Rookies.... :rofl:


Achieng Agutu (Influencer)



Nina Cash (Ex Model + Grandma)



Sharina Gutierrez (model who killed her looks)

image.png vs. image.pngimage.png



Jena Sims Koepka (Married to a Golfer and all around super duper soccer mom)



Penny Lane (........ a model)



Berkleigh Wright  (Professional Cheerleader for The Broncos :rofl: )



Brittney Nicole (Ex Military to Modeling/Influencer)


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Who knows, there are a lot of women in the world who should be models too in good way, not in porn or having sex for be the model of the wall. And a lot of women Who need different Styles, not only your or my tastes, and feel good in their bodies, but of course, trying be healthier.


I am more perfeccionist and with myself with my own ideas and thinner than a lot of models of SI, so I am open to the idea I am not the perfect for everybody, not like other women Who believe be better and to me are not a model.

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:25 PM, Prettyphile said:

The Rookies.... :rofl:


Achieng Agutu (Influencer)



Nina Cash (Ex Model + Grandma)



Sharina Gutierrez (model who killed her looks)

image.png vs. image.pngimage.png



Jena Sims Koepka (Married to a Golfer and all around super duper soccer mom)



Penny Lane (........ a model)



Berkleigh Wright  (Professional Cheerleader for The Broncos :rofl: )



Brittney Nicole (Ex Military to Modeling/Influencer)



Are these really the Rookies or are you being sarcastic? :ninja:


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25 minutes ago, PinkCouture said:

:O_O: :O_O: :O_O:




Both this and VS need to STOP. Seriously, someone please stop the madness. It is like watching a train wreak happening over & over again :/ 

Maybe not stop, maybe VS be friendly like years ago. Some of us not like this changes but new generations like and they should be Happy with It too. Like old teenager silly comedies, we need more, It is better laugh and be Happy than bullying or moobing or horror day to day.

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I think some people are too egoist. Why VS and SI should dissappears, because they feel old or don t want another people Happy too? I prefer that things than only wars and deaths in the world, the only good war IS against cellulite.


Edit. Maybe VS and SI should change in good way not that silly bad manners like years before, and do good diets and not sex abuses, of course.

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58 minutes ago, AnatasiaSteele82 said:

Maybe not stop, maybe VS be friendly like years ago. Some of us not like this changes but new generations like and they should be Happy with It too. Like old teenager silly comedies, we need more, It is better laugh and be Happy than bullying or moobing or horror day to day.


I don't understand your post, Tania. What's your point? I'm not a native English speaker either, so I shouldn't judge your English, but I think you should use a better translator, it's hard to understand the meaning of these sentences.


And I say that in a very friendly way :flower:

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1 hour ago, PinkCouture said:

Both this and VS need to STOP. Seriously, someone please stop the madness. It is like watching a train wreak happening over & over again :/ 


I agree a 100%. This and VS should stop.


Fantasy and beauty are essential. Women have the right to dream about higher standards of beauty (just liken men do). There is hierarchy in beauty, like there are many hierarchies in nature. That's life.


BTW, they're free to do whatever they want and disrespect their customers (as they've been doing for years), but then they shouldn't complain that we don't care any more.

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Obviously when it comes to opinions to each their own. I've said it before, I don't think the root of the issue is wanting to be more diverse and inclusive. Being more diverse and inclusive is a good thing esp. considering how our society is evolving and progressing. That's just the reality of things whether we like it or not. I believe the way both brands are approaching being more diverse and inclusive is confusing, contradictory, performative, satirical, thoughtless, and tacky. It is  ironic and messed up how their "attempt" to be more diverse and inclusive come off as mocking, insulting and dehumanizing of these "models" b/c they are  obviously using them as props to fulfill a disingenuous and ulterior agenda. It is as if they are haphazardly throwing a bunch of "social trends" onto a wall and hoping something would stick in order to get their critics off their back. Another irony is the more they continue on their current paths, the deeper of a hole they're digging and the harder it's for them to salvage themselves. However, I do believe there's slightly more hope for SI to get themselves on the right path but that might be wishful thinking.

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