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Jade Bahr

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About Jade Bahr

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  1. @Cult Icon ^Believe me when I tell you there are tons of movies of the german POV - coming to my mind are Der Vorleser (The Reader), Napola - Elite für den Führer (Before The Fall), Die Fälscher (The Counterfeiters), Geheime Reichssache (The Men behind Hitler), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Leni Riefenstahl: Olympia (from 1939), Kolberg (from 1945), Quax der Bruchpilot (Quax the Crash Pilot - even though it's more a comedy from 1941), Verräter vor dem Volksgericht (Traitors before the People's Court), Die Mörder sind unter uns (The Murderers Are Among Us), Der Hauptmann (The Captain), Vor der Morgenröte (Farewell to Europe), Ein verborgenes Leben (A Hidden Life), Steiner – Das Eiserne Kreuz (Cross of Iron part I + II), Lore (POV of the daughter of a high ranking nazi), Des Teufels General (The Devil's General), Aimée & Jaguar (love story between the wife of a nazi and a jewish woman), Anonyma - Eine Frau in Berlin (A Woman In Berlin), Unser letzter Sommer (Summer Solstice), Dresden, München – Im Angesicht des Krieges (Munich – The Edge of War), Hitlerjunge Salomon (Europa, Europa), Der Unhold (The Ogre). Then of course super famous Das Boot (from Wolfgang Petersen), Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum), Das Wunder von Bern (The Miracle of Bern), So weit die Füße tragen (As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me), Stauffenberg from 2004 (not the Tom Cruise one - there are lots more of german movies about this dude), Unter dem Sand – Das Versprechen der Freiheit (Under sandet), Im Labyrinth des Schweigens (Labyrinth of Lies), Der Staat gegen Fritz Bauer (The People vs. Fritz Bauer). I could go and on because yeah the germans love to process their dark history you just have to look beside the commercial stuff. As a kid in germany you grow up with the permament memory of this part of our inglorious past. And that's only WWII 😆 I think you also have to distinguish between a motion picture and a documentary. I think motion pictures are always either overdrawn or historicla changed for the sake of the story/characters and pace of the movie. If you want 100% history accuracy you have to watch the movies made during the reign of the German Empire. There are literally tons of it. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_der_während_der_Zeit_des_Nationalsozialismus_im_Deutschen_Reich_uraufgeführten_deutschen_Spielfilme
  2. @Lilja K for a moment when I saw the poster I thought they somehow de-aged Patrick Wilson for that role. But actually that Percy kid looks nothing like him LOL
  3. Those tweets having an amount of likes (compared to others on the very same pages). So it seems people at least seem to like the idea.
  4. ^👏 @Matt! Can't believe this happened. This woman/producer should be ashamed.
  5. Hollywood Producer Says Sydney Sweeney “Isn't Pretty" and “Can't Act" Sydney Sweeney has been all the rage in Hollywood these days. The actress broke out with 2019’s “Euphoria” and has now graduated to feature films. And yet, Hollywood producer Carol Baum doesn't understand all the buzz surrounding Sweeney. During a recent NY screening Q&A of Cronenberg’s “Dead Ringers,” which she produced, Baum claimed Sweeney, 26, “can't act” and “isn't pretty. Baum reportedly told the audience, “I don’t get Sydney Sweeney […] Explain this girl to me. She’s not pretty. She can’t act. Why is she so hot?” Referring to “Anyone But You,” in which Sweeney starred opposite Glen Powell, Baum said, “I wanted to know who she is and why everybody’s talking about her,” and “I found the film unwatchable.” What Baum really wants to say, and that she’s painstakingly holding back, is that Sweeney is actually famous for her wonderful rack. That’s the hot take I keep seeing on social media, and I’m not going to get into it because a) yes, Sweeney’s breasts are spectacular and b) that’s not why she’s become so popular. Sweeney’s first real hit was last December’s “Anyone But You,” a total trifle of a film that somehow found an audience, grossing $220 million worldwide on a skimp $25 million budget. Sweeney can also be seen in Neon’s recent low-budget horror hit “Immaculate,” which cost $9 million to produce and has, so far, grossed $21 million. I was very skeptical about her acting abilities, but Sweeney completely won me over with her work in last year’s “Reality.” She is flat out great in that film, delving deeply into the vulnerability of her character, a real-life NSA whistleblower who was thrown in jail by government. Here’s what I wrote about the performance in April 2023: Sweeney makes you feel the anxiety that invaded Reality’s system that day. There is extraordinary range in her performance, her character says very little, but every word is uttered with considerable artfulness. Her face also says everything we need to know about the character: the eyes, the twitchy wording, all as her her mental state collapses before us. She can act. End of story.
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