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Jade Bahr

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Everything posted by Jade Bahr

  1. ^Dailymail already called him the new Leo. I know everyone here will love it https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10856867/Former-child-star-Austin-Butler-30-set-big-time-Hollywood.html Thought he's younger than 30 though.
  2. He kinda reminds me of Leo. Maybe because of the blonde hair and beauty/baby face. He could have easily played the young Gatsby.
  3. Jade Bahr

    Kate Winslet

    Cannes 2022 (for L'Oreal)
  4. Clip -2nd slide- from Leo in a restaurant (the brunette grabbing his ass I guess is Cami lol): https://www.instagram.com/p/CeBZ5xcp_Js/
  5. Always kinda liked this movie. I mean beside from the stellar cast it's a western ABOUT A WOMAN - it's almost revolutionary- and Sharon is super badass in it AND the love scene with Russell Crowe is probably one of the hottest in a western movie... ever!!?? I mean... That butt grab? For me that's the hottest Russell... ever. Even before Gladiator. I think. Also Leo is just cute, fun and heartbreaking as Kid. Sharon Stone! Leonardo DiCaprio! Sam Raimi’s The Quick and the Dead deserves your time This 1995 western has been widely overlooked but it is good camp fun, starring Stone as a mysterious woman who enters a gunslinger contest in an outlaw town Once I was at a party and everyone was talking about the fads we went through at school. “Remember Tamagotchis?” someone said. Everyone began to throw in suggestions, the conversation growing speedier and more enthusiastic. Drawing the “Cool S”. The Spice Girls. Asking yes/no erasers to answer questions. “Oh, and what about when everyone got really into collecting millipedes!” The conversation paused as everyone looked at me. Turns out that experience wasn’t universal. I get a similar reaction every time I bring up The Quick and the Dead, a 1995 film directed by Sam Raimi. I watched it as a kid and figured everyone else had too. But whenever I’ve brought it up over the years, I’m usually met with a blank stare. I’m not quite sure why The Quick and the Dead flew so under the radar – it had a strong cast, a solid premise and it is a lot of fun to watch. Sometimes a film just arrives at the wrong moment – like The Shawshank Redemption, swept under the table by Forrest Gump; or horror comedy Jennifer’s Body, widely under-appreciated until years after its release. The Quick and the Dead stars Sharon Stone as the Lady, a woman who arrives in an outlaw town in the late 1800s, to take part in a gunslinger contest. Despite what she says, she isn’t there for the prize money – the Lady has unfinished business, the nature of which is slowly revealed over the film. The plot centres on the series of duels that make up the contest, and the gunfighters who are entering: a sinister outlaw who runs the town (Gene Hackman), a preacher who refuses to shoot (Russell Crowe) and a cocky local kid just trying to prove himself to his father (Leonardo DiCaprio). The Quick and the Dead is not a traditional western, nor is it a satire; if anything, it is a little bit camp and schlocky, with the slightest hint of superhero movie in there. (Raimi went on to direct the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films, and Marvel’s most recent film, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.) I have fond memories of this film, so at first I was hesitant to rewatch it, in case it held up poorly. With one or two exceptions, it’s still great. If anything, it’s a little more fun now with the benefit of hindsight. The Crowe and DiCaprio you see on screen have yet to hit it big at this point. Stone’s performance is also a very specific kind of pleasure, the no-nonsense Lady who suffers no fools and refuses to smile. (One 2013 listicle described Stone as “sexually inert”, which is a ridiculous criticism to make of an actor playing a cold woman). Stone played an integral role in the film off-screen: as co-producer, she reportedly insisted on Raimi directing, and stood her ground when the studio didn’t want to hire DiCaprio, even offering to pay the 21-year-old’s salary out of her own pocket. The Quick and the Dead is one of those films that deserved to be bigger than it was – but it’s never too late for something to become a classic. Source
  6. ^So what is it that he makes you interested in him enough to follow his life and spend some time on a fan board if you don't believe he's a good person? Just curious.
  7. Well I think Leo is a decent man otherwise I wouldn't be here LOL
  8. as requested @oxford25 Leonardo DiCaprio, 47, strips down to swim shorts (can't help but he looks relaxed, in good spirit and adorable -- don't care what others say about his bod to me he looks just hella fine ) I mean... 😍 (he's so italian like sometimes big gestures and all) Irmelin: HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰 Hi LOL https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10848907/Leonardo-DiCaprio-47-drinks-smokes-board-Sir-Philip-Greens-100million-superyacht.html
  9. I don't know is he? I remember some violence against his sister and mother back in time. He even was arrested for that.
  10. And here we go: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10848657/Sir-Philip-Green-seen-time-months-120m-superyacht-Leo-DiCaprio-France.html
  11. Why Christian Bale Declared Leonardo DiCaprio His Nemesis It's a competitive world out there in the acting industry, and the fight for roles led to Leonardo DiCaprio and Christian Bale's one-sided rivalry. How can people keep track of which celebrities are beefing nowadays? Feuds between stars often arise for various reasons, whether they were involved in infidelity scandals with the other person's significant other or were just plain rude on-set with both the crew and cast. Actors can also develop a rivalry in competition for sought-after roles in the film industry. Christian Bale and Leonardo DiCaprio are two decorated actors with a history of taking their roles multiple steps beyond normal. Bale tends to lose or gain exponential amounts of weight in preparation for a film, like his 62-pound weight loss process for The Machinist. On the other hand, DiCaprio took weird to the next level when he slept in an animal carcass and ate raw bison for The Revenant. Surprisingly, Bale and DiCaprio weren't in a competition to see who was stranger but for film roles. Both Bale and DiCaprio became involved in the acting industry at a young age. After a minor role in the 1986 film Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna, the film's star, Amy Irving, was married to Stephen Spielberg and recommended 13-year-old Bale for Empire of the Sun. DiCaprio came up a bit later in the game than Bale but received a lead role alongside Robert De Niro at only 19 years old in the 1993 film This Boy's Life. This Boy's Life was the beginning of Bale's one-sided competition with DiCaprio. Bale's former publicist Harrison Cheung published a tell-all book titled Christian Bale: The Inside Story Of The Darkest Batman in 2012. In the book, Cheung recalled how DiCaprio's name burned Bale like a "branding iron." This Boy's Life was when Bale began losing roles to DiCaprio. This trend continued throughout the 1990s. Bale also lost the role of Arnie Grape to DiCaprio in the 1993 film What's Eating Gilbert Grape? DiCaprio chose to star in the film alongside Johnny Depp -- for which DiCaprio was nominated for his first Oscar -- instead of taking the lead role in Hocus Pocus. DiCaprio and Bale almost had the chance to star opposite each other in the 1996 film Romeo + Juliet. Bale read for the part of Mercutio, but the production crew decided to go with an African-American actor for the role instead. While DiCaprio's career began in the early 1990s, his life was forever changed following the popularity of James Cameron's 1997 historical epic Titanic. Multiple actors from different levels of fame were considered for the role of Jack Dawson -- including Bale. While Claire Danes almost starred, they decided on British actress Kate Winslet as Jack's love interest Rose DeWitt Bukater. Cameron didn't want two British leads for the film, so he sent Bale away. Finally, Bale one-upped DiCaprio when he received the lead role for the 2000 film American Psycho -- which DiCaprio had expressed interest in. Both Bale and DiCaprio eventually developed established careers in the film industry. DiCaprio just launched into stardom a bit earlier for Titanic. Bale got his chance at fame when he gave a spectacular performance as Bruce Wayne/Batman in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. As for future roles, Bale will play Gorr the God Butcher in the upcoming film Thor: Love and Thunder -- which will be released on July 8. Bale and DiCaprio have never starred in a film together, but DiCaprio was the executive producer of Ridley Scott's Out of the Furnace, which Bale starred in. While Bale and DiCaprio's one-sided rivalry dates back decades, it's unclear if any animosity continues today. Source
  12. ^According to this source Leo is indeed on a yacht in cannes with Cami. No clue where she got those infos. But her first Cannes hint was also true so...
  13. Not a movie but documentary about Roosevelt (hopefully that's about it). Trailer: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cdtd6Oojxoi/
  14. Camila Morrone arriving at the Burberry dinner at Lucien's in New York. — 05/18 Source
  15. I mean... am I the only one who's seeing some parallels here? Never noticed before Leonardo Dicaprio as Howard Hughes in The Aviator (2004) and Jack Dawson in Titanic (1997)
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