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Everything posted by Monkey

  1. Here's the code for people to fill out. [b]Best Eyes:[/b]
  2. But nuns can't have sex, right? That would be such a waste.
  3. Adriana was going to become a nun? I'd say she made the right choice.
  4. Monkey

    Hot or Not

    Here are two. KELLY MONACO ADRIANNE CURRY Adrianne: 8.2/10 I think she's really hot. She needs to dump this rat bastard she's dating on that "Fair Brady" tv show. He's such an arrogant jerk, and he has no respect for the girl he supposedly "loves." Kelly: 7.5/10 She's pretty hot.
  5. I personally like the best of both worlds. Both the more exotic looking girls and the "cute" ones are beautiful to my eyes.
  7. Steve Vai personifies the word COOL.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Theater http://www.dreamtheater.net/ Arguably the best progressive metal artists ever. Discuss.
  9. Yeah. I've been watching it from the start. It's awesome. Definately as good as 24. So what do you guys think of Abruzzi? Do you think he'll betray them in the end?
  10. WomanAdmirer, who is the woman in the last pic you posted?
  11. How so? Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? The words mean two different things; both definitions apply to this topic.
  12. So, is my avatar good, or is someone else already using this one? If so, is anyone using this one?
  13. This debate is getting redundant and repetitive. :yuckky: I hate affirmative action for one reason, and that is that it gives certain minorities special rights. There seems to be this notion that it creates equality. It doesn't. That's the exact opposite of what it does. And it is beyond idiotic to say that people whose ancestors may have been slaves should be paid back. No one who would benefit from affirmative action was ever a slave in the United States. Giving today's blacks special rights isn't going to change what happened in the past.
  14. Not true. Affirmative action, as it pertains to admitting persons into colleges and universities, is intended to allow people who are not, for lack of a better term, smart enough to be admitted under the normal standards for enrollment into the school anyway, based on the color of their skin. It's racism if someone gets into a university because they're black, not because they're intelligent, no? Keep in mind, it also prevents some white person who worked hard from getting into the school.
  15. I have some more pics of her, but I don't feel like posting right now.
  16. Don't mock me. And as for the new computer, well, I'm on the old dinosaur again. It seems the new one is defective, so Apple is sending us a new one. Two more weeks. DAMMIT.
  17. She was my first love, as far as models go, anyway. Sadly I don't have that many pics of her. Thumbs:
  18. Hmm... I thought she already had a thread. Guess not...
  19. I'm on my new computer!!! HELL YEAH!!! THIS THING OWNS!!!
  20. Because that would be affirmative action -- racism. Yes. Howard Dean. This whole debacle had nothing to do with race, and everything to do with Ray Nagin being a myopic indecisive idiot and not getting all the "poor, black people" out of the city. It was the local government's responsibility, and they botched it. Obviously there's the issue of people not wanting to leave, but face it, Nagin should've been able to get more people out.
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