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Everything posted by Raiden15

  1. I think I saw a few pics of Jac with Elsa on Elsa's page. Could someone post them on this page, and/or check if there are any new pics? Or was it an oversight on my behalf?
  2. How many times do I have to say this- Get in line.
  3. I've been meaning to say this- She is really beautiful, and she looks a lot like Monica Bellucci.
  4. She's grounded and smart. VS knows that will come in handy in the later years. There are quite a few instances where she's proved she's steps ahead of the game.
  5. Thanks Sweet and Freya. That Polish Chess player reminds me of a 13 year old Jac. I was just browsing through her old photos just recently, so I see the resemblance.
  6. Love Amy. She has become a true superstar now in India. Her acting has gotten a lot better now.
  7. Jac Attack! Thank you Lenore and Sweet!
  8. Nothing new? Man, I miss Sigrid so much.
  9. She looks divine. I like to think that the outfits weren't underwhelming but they were subdued elegance. Simplicity is the best form of complexity.
  10. Talk about Fireworks and Diwali For people that don't know, Diwali is a festival in India, also known as the festival of lights and it starts tomorrow. Atleast the main days do.
  11. Can't wait for Monika's walk. I've never been this excited to see anyone on the runway before.
  12. Happy belated Birthday Elsa! I actually posted a message, but it didn't get posted due to some internet connection anomaly.
  13. For the record, I think Sara is one of the most attractive women in the world.
  14. Did she just beak her effing leg?
  15. As someone who has played BOTH Skating and Basketball, Skating is a tad bit more difficult if you have a different sport base (My sport base is Badminton, BTW). Please do not compare these two sports. There are different types of athletes.
  16. YAY! Jac attack! Who coined this term anyway?
  17. JAC ATTACK! Thank you so much for the updates, Lovelyvs.
  18. Thank you sweetxlaments. Where exactly do we discuss this PETA thing with VS? Would hate to spam this page for it.
  19. Thank you for the translation. She is smart and wise at the same time.
  20. I like to believe that VS believes not to give everyone else a 'hard' time.
  21. She just shared a new interview on her FB page in Polish. I tried translation directly but to no avail. Google translate was good but not accurate. It would be much appreciated if someone translated the interview. Thank you for the IG pics and Vs pics.
  22. Could anyone please post her Instagram pics?
  23. I thought they were 'protected' by the 'Romeo Juliet statuette' law or something. I'm Indian, I don't know much about American laws as they are different state by state from what I've heard. Even if you ask me now, that is super creepy. We could have digested the fact if he was a 21 year old dork, but he's way too old.
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