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Everything posted by *Luna*

  1. Elsa hasn't done anything for PINK in years though. Last time was probably in 2014 or 2015. Anyway, I don't see her leaving anytime soon especially since it seems she doesn't really do a lot beside VS.
  2. And? Tons of people break up and move on to other people. It’s not like Alexandria is the only person to have ever done this. Why “poor guy”? The fact that you automatically think it’s only bad for the guy and not her says enough. Did it ever occur to you that he might have been the one who called it quits?
  3. And yet again morpheu comes in with some much needed truth ?You hit the nail on the head. Too bad certain people don’t understand or don’t want to understand anything someone else says and decide to go nuts because she ate a croissant. What’s next, people flipping out because she decides to drink a cup of coffee with sugar in it? It’s extremely ridiculous to assume that she eats the way she has been eating just because he (maybe) likes to eat these things. For all you know she might have been the one that suggested to make croissants for him but I guess that just can’t be true or even possible because some of you seem to believe you know Adriana better than she knows herself lol.
  4. Listen, I don’t think it would be bad if this topic would get shut down for good because people arguing and acting upset because their favorite model ate a freaking croissant isn’t exactly what I call “general discussion”. This topic was closed for a while and after it got unlocked it was finally normal for a while, until now of course. So no, I don’t think closing it permanently will be such a bad idea, it’s not like endless discussions about croissants and lychees are that important. Also the never ending dragging of who she decides to date is repetitive and quite frankly disrespectful. If some of you were true fans of her you would never write such despicable things about her partners without even knowing them personally. I truly hope Adriana doesn't come here and read her topics because I can't imagine her being happy about the fact that people who call themselves a fan have been doing nothing but commenting and putting down her boyfriend who she clearly loves very much. I'm not saying everyone has to automatically like him or whatever but there's a fine line between not being happy with her decisions or downright disrespecting him and Adriana herself. No one here seems to realize that it's not respectful towards Adriana either by mocking her boyfriend and putting him down constantly. You can have your opinion about me, just like I can have mine about what is being said in this topic and if you can’t deal with that then that’s too bad. I have tried being nice to people in here only to be told to fuck off and all kinda of other terms I will not repeat. Also being treated nicely by Souled Out in PM only to be humiliated in the General Discussion topic or Candids topic (by Souled Out, talk about being two faced) so maybe you should also stop acting as if you know the whole story because you obviously really don’t. You’re putting me in my place for behavior you participate in all the time (and have done so in the past) as well so at the end of the day you’re really not that different either. Gang up all you want but don't think that’s going to stop me from speaking my mind, although I know that’s a very hard thing to grasp for many on BZ! “Learn to ignore if you don’t agree what is being said”. Haha. This is a two way street, I could say the same to you. Applies to you (and everyone in here) as well. Respect is something that needs to come from both sides and I’ve been nice in the past, but I have my limits too. It’s not okay to jump on people just because they happen to have a different opinion and don’t agree with everything. Seems to me that a lot of people on BZ could learn a thing or two when it comes to “mutual respect” because a lot of them seem to believe that they can treat people any way they like (rude, disrespectful, acting like bullies and ganging up) but the second they get put in their place they freak out and start acting like their shit don’t stink. There’s a reason so many people leave BZ and go to more normal, mature forums where you can say something without being bullied and actually have someone respect and understand your opinion as well.
  5. *Luna*


    She looks amazing there, could easily be early 00's. And lmao "trash". For all you know she could have eaten a fruit tart and that's not trash. What do you want her to eat, one piece of lettuce a day?
  6. Some people just don't have anything better to do with their lives I was wrong though, I think this topic should be named "OMG, Adriana ate a croissant, call the cops!!!!!!!!" Eating a croissant isn't "eating like shit". Croissants are far healthier than all that processed food a lot people eat.
  7. Where was it said that she had a c section?? I didn’t read that anywhere...
  8. I see you being nice to me lasted 1 second Not that I expect much from anyone here anymore, but don’t think I forgot about all the other things you said to me. Don’t you have anything better to do than attack someone online because that seems to be the only thing you do on here. Actually contributing to BZ... Nope. You really are a sad bitter person. @medicenevs I never said that Ariel can’t be used for a boy as well. I honestly don’t care what someone names their child but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any reactions. I just don’t get why some people are so annoyed that some associate it with Disney.
  9. Right that’s why all the “Ariel isn’t a girls name” people in here keep telling every person who thought of Disney that they’re wrong? So what if people associate it with Disney? I think most people would. I have never heard of a boy named Ariel until now.
  10. This. Except here on BZ you’re not supposed to think logically lol and make a big deal out of everything! I honestly don’t care what she names her children but if you call your son Ariel, a lot of people will automatically think “Huh? Disney!”.
  11. *Luna*


    Lmao. Lychees aren’t “trash food”.
  12. Y’all are seriously on a whole new level of over analyzing and exaggerating. She made croissants for her partner. So fucking what? Now that’s suspicious and wrong too? “As if she doesn’t have anyone else to feed”? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? I’m sure she has many people that come over and try her food, INCLUDING her boyfriend or isn’t he allowed to eat? I thought this place had gotten better but it just seems to be getting worse
  13. Omg lol hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!! You’re SO funny! Laughing at someone because they don’t just accept whatever everyone here says, hahahahaha!!!! Congrats to Candice and Hermann.
  14. It’s not a problem or whatever, I just think it’s a little odd. If someone random said “6 months” and then a month later they say they’re 9 months and ready to give birth any day... How is that not strange lol.
  15. A month ago when I said it doesn't make sense how she suddenly went from being 6 or 7 months pregnant to 9 months and ready to give birth you were all like "Hermann knows better than you and me", so apparently Candice was 9 months pregnant in June (even though she was only 6 months pregnant in May... lmao) and ready to give birth any day (according to him) except we're more than a month later and she's still pregnant but nope, nothing weird about that
  16. Yall have been saying “the baby is coming soon” for over a month Apparently she was about to give birth somewhere in May but we’re almost late June and still no baby...
  17. New to me, pretty sure this hasn’t been posted yet.
  18. Your answer is exactly what's wrong with Bellazon and why it has such a negative reputation nowadays. That's the typical mentality here, if someone says they don't like something, not everything. I think something amongst the lines of "it's a shame that a member feels this way, what could we do to change that and maybe make this forum a nicer place again, where everyone feels like they have a voice", would be a much better answer and way of thinking but you immediately jump to "who's forcing you to stay?" No one is forcing me to do anything here, but that kind of answer isn't going to help or give members the impression that they are welcome (which I never felt to begin with it). I also never said I have a problem with someone saying they don't like a model, but the double standards here are ridiculous. It's okay for you and plenty of other people to go on and on about something yet if someone comments and says they find that a bit annoying they get called psychos and get laughed at.
  19. “That’s just how Bellazon is”. There’s a reason why so many people don't stay and end up leaving to other, more nice and welcoming forums. If they do stay, they rarely post because Bellazon is such a negative place. When a model is happy she gets criticized, if she’s grumpy she gets put down as well, so what is it? It’s never good enough on here. Somehow it’s okay for non Josephine fans to go on and on about how “annoying” (aka happy) Josephine is, yet if one fan of her says something amongst the lines of “this is getting annoying, just don’t say anything of you don’t like her” then they’re called “psychos”. Double standard much?
  20. I know it's kind of hard haha especially since it was posted over 10 years ago... Oh well. Thanks anyway!
  21. I was just going through her whole topic but since some pictures aren’t viewable anymore I thought someone here might still have it, there was this collage picture (I think from 2007) where she’s at Schiphol airport with her sister and parents, I think it was for in a magazine, one of those “travel diaries” or something. Does someone happen to still have it?
  22. Well, please do show me all these ultra unhealthy skinny girls that they used for PINK because as far as I can remember they have always used slim, healthy and fit girls. It’s kind of hypocritical that nowadays anyone who is slim or doesn’t enjoy stuffing their face with unhealthy foods 24/7 is considered “too skinny” and “abnormal”... You say “no one said skinny girls weren’t healthy” but at the same time you don’t see what’s wrong when you call people who look totally normal and fine “ultra thin almost bones loom” looking.
  23. PINK is geared towards younger girls so I don’t get the problem here. If they had 50 year old women model PINK you’d be complaining they’re too old so... Also, what’s not normal about someone skinny? You don’t usually see these girls they have for PINK in modeling a lot for sure, but newsflash, some girls really are skinny yet perfectly healthy.
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