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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. Am I the only one who thinks Kaia is pushed too hard into adulthood? She's only 18, already doing nudity. She's also allegedly dating Cara who is 10 years older than her and knows her since she was a minor. Strange situation. It's like people are pushing her too hard into this business.
  2. Asking NBA players to figure something out seems like asking for too much.
  3. I don't think it's anyone's magazine anymore. Why would women buy SISE when they have a ton of women's magazines to buy?
  4. She's a just legitimately dumb person. A ton of people can't just "build their immune system". If they had a choice to do it, they would've done it. So many people are immunocompromised and their life depends on seasonal vaccines to keep them alive. But according to Doutzen, they should just eat healthier and work out. What a dumb-ass.
  5. Why? Are you planning on buying her one? ๐Ÿคจ
  6. She's 18 years old you are all drooling on the prospect of her having a nude photoshoot. Y'all need Jesus.
  7. Zippyshare is an option. It's good for free users. This one tops at 120 kbps for me and I ain't paying to download photos that are free to download from other sites. Including this one.
  8. That's nice, but did you really have to use the worst filehost?
  9. Why wouldn't she care? If people watch, it helps build her brand.
  10. Rosie HW has a very asymmetrical face too.
  11. Quibi? Oh Rosie... No one watches Quibi.
  12. The guy watched a documentary on NXIVM and decided to tweak it a bit and run with it.
  13. I watched her Eurovision movie. It's really fun. Watch it if you haven't, especially if you like to watch real Eurovision contest.
  14. Honestly, I don't care about some random dude miking this story so that he can get more ad revenue.
  15. You waited for two years to make a post and this is the best you could come up with?
  16. I'm just sad how Karlie never has any privacy. Everywhere she goes, somehow paparazzi seem to find her. Must be hard.
  17. Considering how hard scientists and medical workers are working to keep people healthy, I fully agree with calling out celebrities who are undermining their work.
  18. To be fair, most of the time, they don't. It widely known that models are being pushed to lose weight because it makes clothes "flow" better on a runway. What's particularly sad is that girls like Taylor are pushed to lose weight and then a celebrity like Jennifer Lopez comes and wears the same dress on a red carpet and gets praise from the same designers. Karl Lagerfeld loved Jennifer Lopez but if a model showed to a casting with Lopez's body he would've called her fat. He was known as a "fat shamer".
  19. If she was under 18 when they started dating, then yes, those relationships are odd. And even legality is questionable based on location. And it's often called 'grooming'. And I do find them morally reprehensible. He was an adult man, she was a teenage girl.
  20. 10 year difference isn't much when everyone is adult, but it is a lot when one of the people is a teenager. But, that's done now so no point in talking about it too much. Hair Gel is in the past.
  21. And then filming them and using the material for bribery. It's said that a ton of DVDs were found labeled (famous dude) + (girl's name). I also got some creepy vibes from people around Taylor few years ago, but she seems to be OK now.
  22. Isabeli Fontana started working for the VS at the age of 16. Which is especially nuts considering that Jeffrey Epstein loved hanging out around the VS girls. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
  23. Because she keeps spreading pseudoscience about Covid-19 and vaccines in general.
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