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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. Plus, they live together. So baby is just a natural progression.
  2. We're in the middle of pandemic baby-boom.
  3. Schemer


    She definitely calls paps on herself right? There is no way there are so many candids of her, without her working with the paps. She's not that big of a star to people follow her so much.
  4. It looks like someone cut down a bathrobe.
  5. Jesus...How much did this shoot cost? That's an all-star cast and crew there.
  6. Dress is meh. Looks like something for the beach.
  7. She looks great but too many similar shots.
  8. It did give her a career, so she improved there. However, I simply cannot imagine all the pain she went trough to look like this now.
  9. She's looking a bit preggers, no?
  10. I wouldn't care so much about her "ideas" if she was doing something interesting with her career. But she's not.
  11. Even when she does a solo video (like those makeup videos), she always finds a way to mention his name. It's so cheesy.
  12. I can't get over the fact how beautiful her face is.
  13. I bet $10 this guy posts on MGTOW subreddit. Probably posted on the_wall too before they shut it down.
  14. She's taking shots at people who disagree with her because they didn't "take time to research". But those people who oppose her are people who actually went to universities, became scientists. A lingerie model calling out scientists. You can't make things up. 🤣 Doutzen can do what she wants, she's an adult but I hope her "research" doesn't end up hurting her children's health.
  15. It got removed because paid links are not allowed.
  16. Some people's replies here really tell about their dating history. But I'm sure Kaia is happy. Now she has someone who can buy her alcohol.
  17. Schemer

    Clara Bow

    Emma Stone will play Clara in the upcoming movie Babylon by Damien Chazelle.
  18. Being married at 18 isn't usually a sign of maturity, quite the opposite. Then the bubble bursts and divorce happens. There are exceptions, sure, but those are exceptions. Don't know. I don't know her, I'm just commenting like everyone else here. But if I was 28 (like Cara), I would never even look at an 18 year old to date. Would feel creepy. But that's just me.
  19. I honestly didn't expect a different answer from someone who is debating the color of Kaia's nipples.
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