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Everything posted by adolf000000

  1. I've watched her recent interview today. It's weird but I think she speaks English better than Russian. Obvious that it's pretty hard to her to "find" proper phrases to express her thoughts.
  2. aren't women in morocco supposed to wear parandja?
  3. it doesn't mean anything. it's so easy to create lots of fake pages
  4. Ok, now it's ridiculous. If it was everything good between her and Justin she'd say that to stop gossips. But she didn't do that. Divorcing. Me------------->very sad
  5. i think this is those "journalists" who lie. there's no evidence that Viktor is with her Ну,ты знаешь, вообще все на утку,конечно,смахивает. Но...когда в ход идут такие аргументы, как "подала на развод и посреди бракоразводного процесса", то невольно думаешь,что че-то ни так. Тем более, когда наглость журналистов заходит ТАК далеко, то можно или просто раз публично опровергуть слухи, или подать в суд. Я сомневаюсь, что ей нужны слухи вокруг себя и семьи. Однако, она ничего не опровергает... Вот,что странно
  6. So she lied? Nice... She looks happy in the pics. Anyway, i would never believe that Justin was a bad husband. If it's her fault i won't respect her as a person anymore I'm deeply disappointed
  7. She just said on TV that she has to travel a lot & she can't take her kids with her, that's why Justin stays with them. And she said that their relationship is so ideal and "calm" that she can't even complain. They live in a quite place with Lucas's school close to their house
  8. Wow, i already like you, ROFL do u know her personally if you say all that? You could say I know enough about her. And seriously it's not a jealousy thing and I'm not at all saying she's a terrible person. It's just that when you look at her you see this stunning girl and wonder why it is she's not famous? Part of it is because she stayed in her native Russia and is only moving to New York this year. But it's also because her whole self-worth is based on her looks. She used to date some royal guy from Dubai, then another rich guy who took her on tons of vacations, and now she is dating Alex Ovechkin who is one of the most wealthy men in Russia. And there are rumours she used to be a special class escort to very wealthy businessmen. Aside from all that, she just doesn't come from the same humble roots as the other models I mentioned. If you look at girls like Candice, Rosie and Miranda...they were all young girls who had no idea how beautiful they were when they began modelling. Valeria already believes she is the most beautiful girl in the world, trust me. She's also 22...not 16. I don't know, there are alot of factors. She will be a great model, but her personality and values are very ugly and I definitely believe they were impede her success in the modelling industry. I mean, look at this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mVnkAKAk58 Would you ever see this from Miranda or Adriana? lol OMG. She's dating Ovechkin??? So now I understand who has bought her "job" for her She's 22? Hmm, that's interesting. U know, when i saw her personal pics for the 1st time she reminded me some kind of spoiled chick The video... Maybe she wants to be a singer? And i believe her lips are fake
  9. "Natalia Vodianova is launching a joint project with Andrei Boltenko in Spain. Details of their work are kept in secret." Work? Sex work you mean?Of course it's in secret
  10. Wow, i already like you, ROFL do u know her personally if you say all that?
  11. Oh goshhh, hate when chicks make THOSE lips
  12. well, I personally do not care who is going to be first to be judged or how exactly the blame will be assigned. The entire prospect is horrible. But back to the blame - we do NOT know what's happening between them and who is to blame, do we?.. hey, which article are you all talking about? about Justin-alcoholism? has it been posted here and I missed? I posted the link of that article. See the previous page
  13. What's that? oO Aghh, such standard answers. Real model. True
  14. oh come onnnn, u've read it about "justin alcoholic" in that newspaper? (в комосомолке что ли? эта статья ими написана первоначально). everyone knows that there are always lots of articles that are false.
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