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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. Aha, yes and that way is to tell me directly. Aha lucky, I wish i had family in NL. Oh well. Aha you'll have a ball.

  2. Ahahha I don't like cheese, except French cheese lol. I know, I have weird appetite.

  3. Thanks! Awesome snowboarding is soo much fun! 8 degrees, whoa! I wish we had that, it's like right now -15 (n) boo to the cold. WOOHOO Clubs, now forget the rest, that's the most important thing clubs! its 7:30 pm here. 6 hour difference. You know everytime I think of you, the song Last Night A DJ Saved My Life Haji & Emanuel Mix plays in my head. :p

  4. What's up sex goddess? Get your Sexy on :brows:

  5. Ahah okay I over exaggerated, it's little snow, flurries. :p I dunno? Hope everyone comes back, I mean I came back., hopefully they'll do they same. Where;s Andrea? Post!

  6. Serieuse? Is it THAT good ? I will eventually watch when the time is set and right. What's the best part? Or your favourite?

  7. meee... well absolutely squabble at the moment, but I'm going out w/ my friends tonight or they're coming here?! I dunno, plans have not gone through the blueprint yet :) Sleepy.. where do you live? BC it's only 6:35 here :p

  8. Thanks you! ahahha your ALIVE! And not sleeping.. thank god!

  9. Ahhhhhhhh! SEE if you went on vacationing with us, we'd protect yOu! Boooo, that blows, wtf? Some people are crooks. So what happens now with all your stuff? Do you have to buy new things ? Aha, Mikey would come on our holiday too, we'd travel the glObE! And no one would steal anything. I'm gOod. I go back to school in a 4 weeks :| Lots of football practice and relaxing. :

  10. Football! wait? as in soccer? or NFL? If both I hope Madrid & Arsenal win! As for the NFL Go Patriots!!!! Beat the Colts & Manning's asses! woot woot. I want to see the Bears win too! u?

  11. ahahahahhaha oh i forgot that a question mark means someones asking you a question! LOL I'm such an idiot! ahahaha

    Well it was semi great, I gave my sister money today bc she & her buddy went down to the US today to go shopping. Hopefully she'll get me the things I asked for.. and your day?

  12. woot woot, I'm leaving in 2 hours! I knew I loved snow for some reason!

  13. woot woot, Here In TO clubs are cool too, I've only been to 3, because I'm underage but my sister's a nightclub promoter so sometimes I get in. Ever here of Music, light or Distrikt maybe? Whats the best club in Belgium? hey can you help me identify a song?

  14. Aha true, alls is the same. But I'm happy that the summer is coming up! I'm guessing you already have had yours?

  15. Greek food! yummy! What did you have? food is good! thanks! i'm actually leaving in 2 hours. Snow isn't that bad I guess? lol

  16. ROMANIA! woot woot

    party nation! How's the weather? yay Alexis! ahah I just noticed that you guys are talking in romanian.. which I have no clue ...

  17. like 50? How's the good life treating you? S U M M E R !

  18. LOL. Sports are important for everyone I think. You should always have your body in motion, ahaha if you want a Gisele body! LOL. Awe What happened to your back?

  19. Alexis: Can you translate "Ia uite ... ai si vrajito p' Ange :hehe: ..." simply bc I don't understand :P Please & thanks :d

  20. Is it coming up?

  21. desole,i'm not in the mood for this today, maybe tomorrow ? :)

  22. ugh.. Andrea! I strongly suggest you do it! :P I have to leave in 2 hours bc I'm going snowboarding. that's my excuse! So what you do during the weekend? PARTY? w/ bubbles? lol

  23. ahahhaha your eyes don't hurt?

    I asked for VS lingerie! that's the only thing we dont have in Canada!

  24. lol. How was the bday bash? Good gifts?

  25. Aha, good, or else Mikey & me would beat you up aha Jk JK. 45? That's sick, sounds like Greece. I hope that there's air conditioning.

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