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Everything posted by .:.ali.:.

  1. Yeahuh!! Woooohoo!! I love your avaaaaatttaaaar!! Natasha is soooooo pretty..
  2. Natalia. That decision was hard, it was either Natalia or Daria...holy mother of god..
  3. ....one of my favoritest people here in BZ Awww...
  4. Andrea, could I have the Caroline Trentini AVI 2?The VSFS one of course...THANKS!!
  5. Andrea, could I have the Caroline Trentini AVI 2?The VSFS one of course...THANKS!!
  6. Ooooooh! Could someone make me a Caroline Trentini VSFS AVI?? Puhh-leeeaaase??? Haha....
  7. Awww, dianne ...from a dandelion!! [look at your location thingie...haha!!]
  8. .:.ali.:.

    I Am...

    ....wondering what song Soyee is singing....
  9. .....She's Korean!! I love her cute bobbed hair So cute!!
  10. .:.ali.:.

    I Am...

    .....so sick of love songs, so tired of tears, so done with wishing you were still here! I hate that song!! Hahaha!
  11. Ooooooh! Could someone make me a Caroline Trentini VSFS AVI?? Puhh-leeeaaase??? Haha....
  12. ....has changed her set, from the adri set..am I right?? hahaha!!
  13. Yeahuh!! Ateneo doesn't have too for college...those are the only two i know: UP and Ateneo. La Salle, has that bright green thing!
  14. Well, the guy is definitely Andrew Cooper Lucky girl!
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