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Everything posted by effyja2012

  1. A couple of early thoughts (I'm still going through pics, and the videos will probably take forever seeing as there are like 900 models this year ). - I have no problem with Danielle as the cover-I kinda like they pulled a surprise, like Hailey a couple years ago-but agree they could have used a better pic. -Barbara and Lais are (so far) the winners this year. Incredible, both of them. -Overall so far the pics are better than I expected
  2. I so want to believe these are real, but.. call me cynical. Someone would have had to release them. Either the photographer (some will sometimes post SI outtakes), SI themselves (doubt it) or Hailey (meh). Just curious where you found these...
  3. Love how some people are gonna freak over this when Si has always had a few "nudes" in the issue. I guess the difference here being this spread has zilch to do with beaches or swimsuits, so there's that I guess. Interesting....
  4. whatever the reason for the weight loss, this makes me sad
  5. Lais looks amazing! There is hope for this year after all, perhaps
  6. Apparently someone at SI read my post. I see 2012 and 2013 are now on the site. I wonder how far back they'll go....
  7. Haven't seen an official one yet but based on past years Feb. 13/14 would be a logical guess
  8. Voting is only until February 2? Jeez we won't even see all the pics. Why don't they run the poll starting with when all the pics are released? Unless they've already made up their mind of course With the limited resources I have to make a decision, I guess I'll go with Raven
  9. I do hope they've saved the better shots for release day. Unless the videos are just gonna be better than the pics for about the 10th straight year
  10. Why did they show Olivia, Hunter and Ebonee in the generic one piece and showed a normal one of the others?
  11. Yeah a few days ago i think. It bugs me that on the site, their "archive" only goes back to 2014. However if you google, say, "SI swimsuit 2007", a bunch of choices come up that take you to SI's site. You can then view the pics there. But why not have those years as choices on the main page instead of only going back to 2014? This bugs me for some reason
  12. Oh I like the pic, The whole thing just struck me as interesting. Maybe hanging around here is causing me to get overly cynical about SI, which i never really had been as much as some here
  13. I gotta admit I was surprised by Anna's beach pic when i first saw it. This is a company that is famous for airbrushing nipples away (though less so lately), but THIS is OK? interesting....
  14. Which means those more casual observers who have only seen the promo are in for quite the surprise come February 13-ish
  15. yeah it has taken some of the fun away from it. The whole "guess the model" thing is actually what led me to this site back a few years back.
  16. The whole concept was a good idea IMO, one I think may of us could get with on a certain level. But like many things that start out as good ideas, it's now being run into the ground. And one thing I've always not liked about SI is their penchant for running good ideas into the ground (coughcoughbodypaintcoughcough) There is a big difference between having some weight on you and being healthy (Myla and Kate Upton for instance) and being Trump-like obese. Nothing wrong with a little happy medium here and there
  17. it still kills me that Mia won the 2016 model search than Dani was in, then (apparently) only appeared in the magazine once.
  18. I mean, is ANYBODY returning from last year? I'm happy to see Ebonee in the issue though
  19. And to think, they could have had Dani Lopez Osorio @DaniL Of all the things SI has done in recent years, that's the one that burns me
  20. I'm kinda surprised Mia is gone after 1 year- MJ kinda hyped her up so I assumed she'd be back. I'm not surprised Kelly is gone. Nina first year was 2011 if I'm correct--I'm surprised she's out but 7 issues is quite a lot. I really liked Hannah F in the beginning but last year's work wasn't as good. I figured Hannah Jeter and Robyn were likely out. Bo is the biggest surprise exit , and I'm very disappointed. I thought she killed it both years. Why is Sam still around? I always liked Kate Bock, last year was not good but I'll give her another chance I do like the rookie class more or less from what I've seen. I LOVE Jasmyn! Interesting turn of events.....
  21. The post said this: LAST SHOT of #SISwim 2018! Unless it's just that location. But, damn. No Nina? No Hannah? Mysterious indeed
  22. They just posted a video on Facebook saying this was the last shot for 2018. So it looks like we may have our lineup. And did I miss it, or was there no body paint shoot this year? If so, no problem here, that has run it's course IMO
  23. Two thumbs up for Jasmyn!! Very good choice
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