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Everything posted by honahlea

  1. In #2771 the ocean and her hair remind me of The Blue Lagoon.
  2. Thanks for the new pics and video! Does anyone know when VS Swim pics are usually released? I remember she shot for that a while back but I can't work out when to expect them as isn't it winter in the US soon? Either way, can't wait to see them, I don't think she's done Swim for ages.
  3. Erin, Lindsay and Lily at the Bieber concert. /monthly_11_2012/post-61904-0-1446095628-27818_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3972060" alt="post-61904-0-1446095628-27818_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="66.67">
  4. Are you serious? I don't think any of them would be there were it not for there jobs. I think it would be required by VS + Justin Bieber's team. They want to make sure it looks like the angels like him so he gets a bit of credit and it doesn't look like everyone thinks he's a joke. Candice and Lindsay's faces backstage said it all to me though.
  5. Erin, Lindsay and Lily at the Bieber concert. /monthly_11_2012/post-61904-0-1446107058-19241_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="4172635" alt="post-61904-0-1446107058-19241_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="66.67">
  6. Erin, Lindsay and Lily at the Bieber concert. /monthly_11_2012/post-61904-0-1446117877-21395_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="4343769" alt="post-61904-0-1446117877-21395_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="66.67">
  7. <iframe width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" src="http://www.popsugar.com/psvn/embed?video=25825270&width=640&height=360"></iframe> Hmmm, that didn't work. While I try and figure it out, here's the link http://www.popsugar.com.au/2012-Victorias-Secret-Fashion-Show-Backstage-Video-25825270
  8. honahlea


    Prettyphile, you're a legend! You were at this for hours. I think over on TFS they were benefiting from all your hardwork, too. The whole internet owes you a standing ovation. Thanks for all the uploads.
  9. Whoever said models can't or shouldn't act is dead wrong. I know some of those girls had to be pulling internal "WTF" faces at their outfits. The fact that they grinned an bared it (pun intended) surely adds a whole new skill set to their resume. Some of those outfits were just horrible, others were plain boring and unremarkable. VS had such beautiful girls and have completely wasted talent like Doutzen, Toni, Frida etc. At least Barbara's one outfit was good, Candice's and Adriana's were okay but they deserved way better, Erin's white lingerie was nice but the hat, gloves and sash ruined it. Rargh, I could go on and on. I think Lindsay got the best deal out of all of them. Her Silver Screen outfit was beautiful and her white one wasn't bad. It was a bit much-- I didn't like the shape of the wings and wished they'd given her nude stockings or taken off the veil or gloves but overall, even though she had no colour on her this year (just black and white), she got the best outfits I think. Does anyone know who got the purple wings in the background below, or the sketch ones? I hope Frida got at least one of them, she deserves more than just that gaudy pink ribbony outfit. I actually like Maude's dress! Did Lily D. or Constance get more than one outfit? I can't believe Karlie got three when angels only got two. Blah. Sorry for all the questions! After the preliminary backstage photos, I got my hopes up too high and now I'm trying to salvage it. Maybe the music video or Q&A will be interesting?
  10. Eh, it went downhill so fast for me. I thought the backstage stuff looked so promising but I don't love any of the outfits and hate a whole bunch of them. I feel like the Grinch. Thanks sooo much to everyone who uploaded, though. You're angels. :-)
  11. Wow, I agree about Maud, too. I thought she looked boring in the backstage pics but she looks like Alice-esque in that outfit. Nice.
  12. Maybe they'll realise how ridiculous it is and they'll have time to change her outfit to something better (or switch with another girl) for the second taping. I don't care how farfetched that is, I'm going to hold out hope! Blech. Why didn't she protest? I would flat out refuse to go on stage in that. Poor girl, indeed.
  13. Doutzen's poodle outfit makes me sooo angry. That girl is stunning, how could they give her... that. Anyone know what Frida's outfits were like? I hope she at least got 2, given Karlie has 3 :S
  14. How do the tapings work? This isn't the one with the celebrity audience, right? Does that mean that it's someone from VS leaking the pics? I wonder if it's controlled or rogue. Heh.
  15. Aaaah!! Lindsay looks AMAZING!!! Such a knock out. That's the third segment though right? Maybe no third outfit then...
  16. Does anyone know who the fit models are? It makes me sad Lais isn't walking-- I didn't notice her at first (hated her 'Game On' outfit) but that recent make up tutorial made me realise how stunning she is. I wonder who will take her outfit? Was it Miranda that was a fit model before she walked the actual show?
  17. Lol, I was just coming to post about Karlie, too!! I don't get it. I don't virulently dislike her (at least not as much as some people do) but I wish they'd given her one or two outfits only, and given the third to another girl e.g. Emily D., Sara, Maryna, Caroline, Julia, Flavia, Bianca etc. It's so frustrating that she gets three outfits with wings in her first years with VS. It will be interesting to see if any of the actual angels get fewer than three outfits. Lily may only have two, and the fact that Lindsay is in Silver Screen Angels makes me think she won't have time for three outfits although I'm holding out for it. I feel like a toddler but it will annoy me to no end if Karlie gets more outfits than an actual angel. I have a theory that Monica Mitro (who looooves Karlie) things that Karlie looks like her when she was younger. Lol.
  18. I hate the idea of "circus" as a theme (could probably only have stomached it for Pink) but since we haven't seen any pics yet, I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will be alright. I love Doutzen and Adriana and will cry if that talent is WASTED on another tacky theme.
  19. She closed and co-led the finale with Heidi in 2009. I'd love to see her open, though.ETA: Chanel is definitely gone, huh?
  20. I think it looks really promising, too. I hated the last two or three years, they were so tacky to me. But this looks great so far. The hair and makeup is really nice; I love the one full outfit I've seen (Lindsay's-- I hope she's in floral and/or the finale as well); I love that Barbara and Frida are there this year; and the floral wings look quite nice. I loved the Ballet de Fleurs segment from 2008, hopefully it will be similar but better.
  21. honahlea


    I think "the big white ones" are Lindsay's. This looks like them, right? They look pretty grand, maybe she's closing the "Silver Screen" segment? I'd be so excited if she is... I adore her and I don't think she's opened or closed before. Oop, Mandyrichelle you beat me to it. Barbara and Frida look amazing.
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