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  1. i smell trouble because of the '' how to get HQ's'' thread.now for the sake of the forum,we dont want that,arent we?there must be done something with that thread!it drawsTOO much attention all over the internet...
  2. Tommy Hilfiger store opening /monthly_02_2013/post-60999-0-1445986448-48623_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="2288759" alt="post-60999-0-1445986448-48623_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="150.6">
  3. Pornography http://www.bellazon....20#entry3099343 Done. (~ Michael*)
  4. I recommend Add-ons for Firefox Download flash & video. You need just a one click to download. See picture bellow.
  5. I don't understand why do you need a comercial for Pampers but you got it http://depositfiles.com/files/0rzi672vo I like more a woman which sings... http://depositfiles.com/files/iv11cheoe
  6. It's easy with Addblock plus. Here is a link. Change the last number from 01 to 02 etc. or 1 to 2 (to 19, but 2x19=38 and there is only 30 pics)
  7. I don't know how to help you. You can't see members thread and you can't jump on certain page. Both functions work properly. Something is wrong with your browser or your whole computer system. Did you try with another browser? I can do that with Firefox 15.0.1 and with IE 7.0.5730.13 too. Maybe reinstalling java or .NET Framework will help you.
  8. I'm not sure if is a technical possibility to make what I suggest. The idea is "the limited memership" for a week or two. New members could not post at all for a week or two. So if we ban "Ted movie lover" he could register again under a new nickname but he could not post link for The Posseession movie (for example) for the next week or so. http://www.bellazon....tall-man-movie/ http://www.bellazon....n-movie-online/ http://www.bellazon....-lawless-movie/ Done - Pretty
  9. Sure you can. Go to the last page and then click on "field" Page 37 of 37 (for example). A little window will appear (see picture).
  10. Soldier Blue for sure. vs. Arrow in the Sun by Theodore V. Olsen (republished as Soldier Blue after the movie was released) And I like more Blade Runner then Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
  11. What do you mean by safe? There are bunch of services for safe file transfer, storage and distribution. Simply upload your movie on it and post link. If you don't have legal right to share content then zip or rar it and change the name of the file (before uploading). On BillionUploads.com you can upload file to 2 Gb, on Depositfiles.com to 10 GB etc.
  12. I'm not sure what is wrong with your IE or Firefox. Maybe you can try to install Adobe Flash Debugger for both of browsers. http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html Or maybe you need a higher version of .NET Framework. I can load it even with IE version 7.0.5730.13 (buth with Flashplayer_11_ax_debug) With Add Block Plus you can get links for thumb pics http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb2.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb3.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb4.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb5.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb6.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb7.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb8.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb9.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb10.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb11.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb12.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb13.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb14.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb15.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb16.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb17.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb18.jpg http://www.guess.com/worldofguess/images/campaigns/2012/spring/marciano/400/GbyM_thumb19.jpg I can't get link for HQ. Each HQ pic is in a separate swf file for example http___www.guess.com_worldofguess_images_campaigns_2012_spring_marciano_GbyM-full2.swf. You can download it with "Download Flash & Video" and extract them with "SWF Pictur Extractor". You can grab the video with "Replay Media Catcher". Video http://www.filefactory.com/file/npt99img4sn/n/Guess_zip HQ pics
  13. Forget this. I don't know why yesterday I wasn't able to catch it. It is same as Brightcove (RTMP stream). "Replay Media Catcher" rules. Here is your link (my upload). Enjoy. http://www.filefacto...sshMagazine_zip I tried NetXfer too. Yeah, it works...something...but nothing usefull (for me). After a half hour I unistalled it. If you have a problem with the installation of "Replay Media Catcher" you can probably do it with "Jaksta Streaming Media Recorder and Converter", "WM Recorder", "GetFLV", "Orbit Downloader", "Blader" or "Rip Tiger too.
  14. Here you have some advice http://forums.informaction.com/viewtopic.php?t=6606&f=6. I didn't install that program (NetXfer) so I don't know will it work. Sent me a PM if you wish link for this aplication.
  15. I got it. There is no way to get downloadable link, but you can record it with "Replay Media Catcher" on your HD. Video looks like http://admin.brightcove.com/viewer/us20120725.1623/BrightcoveBootloader.swf?playerID=932559103001&playerKey=AQ%7E%7E%2CAAAAAGfIbVE%7E%2CL68y7l674c97wJ_yrIw2Y8x1lU7IUrBi&purl=http%3A%2F%2Flink.brightcove.com%2Fservices%2Fplayer%2Fbcpid932559103001%3Fbckey%3DAQ%7E%7E%2CAAAAAGfIbVE%7E%2CL68y7l674c97wJ_yrIw2Y8x1lU7IUrBi%26bctid%3D1752033253001&%40videoPlayer=1752033253001&autoStart=true&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&debuggerID=&dynamicStreaming=true&flashID=myExperience&height=360&isUI=true&isVid=true&startTime=1343473483266&videoID=1752033253001&width=640 And here is your file http://www.filefactory.com/file/6aathr4vnlfx/n/VDYP-JDM-Arts_et_pectacles_zip
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