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Everything posted by FLEA

  1. FLEA


    nobody has a good match up with kobe jk but yea i hope the lakers win they cant lose to philly lol
  2. FLEA


    no not iverson i meant Andre Igoudala idk if i spelled it right
  3. FLEA


    yea and kobe is gonna come back from that suspension and take it out on A.I. lol but i wanna watch it i think its gonna be delayed in l.a.
  4. FLEA


    Matt who do u think is gonna win on Friday Lakers or Sixers?????????
  5. FLEA


    oh and i think dirk or kobe should get mvp
  6. FLEA


    omg they suspended kobe because of a elbow while he was shooting man thats so dumb
  7. FLEA


    man the mavs are to good but idk if they can take this to the playoffs and be all dominate if they play the lakers ther gonna be done in the first round
  8. wtf is she wearing on that pic
  9. FLEA


    NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO lakers lost odom again with a shoulder injury lakers have to many injures but they still have kobe
  10. Black Snake Moan and the number 23
  11. britney spears attempts suicide again http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,21325065-2,00.html
  12. FLEA


    yea but lakers lost odom and they did ok but the suns idk cant wait hfro them to play the lakers on sunday and sixers should start losin to try and get Oden or Durant.
  13. FLEA


    i know he will be out some of next season to
  14. FLEA


    omg did any1 see what happend to shaun livingston of the clippers omg here is the video it is really gross poor guy its worst than dwades and shauns out for the season http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDrA0bWPlhU
  15. lol the Britney Spears one lol
  16. i like drawing during class it passes the time and im pretty good at it
  17. man i seen Ronaldinho against chivas u.s.a like in september and he is really good
  18. FLEA


    did any1 see Dwayne Wayne dislocating his shoulder and crying against the rockets he will be out 6 weeks heres some Pics
  19. FLEA


    same here but cant wait for april.
  20. yea there pretty dope but not my favorite
  21. so whos gonna pick a movie poster???????? lol
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