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Status Updates posted by PinkVanilla.

  1. wah. de unde stii quote'u asta?

    vezi ca if fur ji yoyo :D

  2. wahh & sorry i didn't got back yesturday but i just came home to late!

    So tell me about the songs ... wich one you liked. did you disliked all of the ... just tell me :shifty:

  3. Wahh atunci hai aici ca a nins :) & itzi fac o cocolata calda & te incalzesti ca nu pot sa ma dau cu sania singura,tre sa ma traga cineva :))

  4. wahh ce bad boy esti tu mai miky kiky. hmm poi trebuie sa'tzi gasesti si tu o prietena mumoasa sa nu mai umbli cu tarfe =| *beats miky kiky with the trout*

  5. wahh d' cand nu am mai fost p' aici. tho nu mai umblu p' nicaieri ... stau shi invatz :D

    ce ai mai facut? toate bune? :)

  6. wahh i remember hearing deepest blue - deepest B. in a club one night. it`s sweet :)

    well my fav songs evah are andain - beautiful things & late night alumni - empty streets :heart:

    I love Telepopmusik. there songs are so awesome.

  7. wahh poi deja a venit! I got a new make up stuff! I got new make up stuff!! :D

    & iar am mancat toata ziua dulciuri.

    ce tzia adus mosu?

  8. wahh poi nupz pt ca daca mananc dulciuri, nu mai mananc altceva in ziua aia. doar tre' sa am grija sa nu fac ass a la' j.lo :)))

    wahh mai bine mi le trimiteai mie decat sa le dai la alea =).

    bien entendu money,money, money *hehe

  9. wahh, nu. a fost, girls night out! fara baietzi :P

    Poi ai golanit dupa fete,huh? bine ca nu ai mai baut macar ... :)))

  10. wahh, sa vad :D ... posteaza'le shi tu printr'un thread de aici :)

  11. Wahh,wahh :D nu vin ca imi e somnik ;))

  12. wahh. :( naspha

    Orcum sa ma anuntzi daca vi. :D

    :P & mai schimba ji tu ava ala. ;;)

  13. wahh. eu? nupz ... sti ca eu sunt cuminte :D

  14. wahh. poi se oftica lumea ca is perfecta & de aia nu ma mai wub wub =)))


    wahhh firarrr ... eu nu las fi suspendat da daca nu a fost cuminte :beating: ... :)))

  15. wahh.nu :D :blush:* blush*

  16. wahhh :| iute ppl copying me!!!

    ehhh. lasa ca oricum ... as i was saying. mai e un pink & vine vara & vin eu acolo sa facem nebuni :)))

  17. wahhh ce urat. poi cum sa zici asa? :( saracele fete :))

    eh poi am golanit aseara prin Kristal da nu am stat decat vreo 3 ore ca azi am avut sc. wahh ma'u facut niste golani fitzoasa si aroganta aseara ... ce tampitzi :(

  18. wahhh dapz da lasa ca e bine ... decat sa ploua & sa fie frig mai bine cald :D

  19. wahhh du'te la threadu asta : [The best editorial competition #2.] in Babes Polls si voreaza: Anja x3!!! :D

  20. wahhh ma refer la formatzie.lasa ca itzi dau eu un song ;)

    :woot: poza,

    poza, poza!!! :D

  21. wahhh yea. that would be so cool. vacation w/ soy soy & w/ you :shifty:

    well my vacation sucked , though my bag was stolen on the beach & i had my phone, my camera, all my precious stuff in it & really that ruined all my good time :(

    btw. do u know where is soy soy? i miss her

  22. wahhh you guys don't have the sense of recognize hot guys :P!!! well yea,Marios is cute but he doesn't look like the type of guy that someone would date. He just looks good 4 a one night stand :shifty: ...

  23. Wahhh zupa cute :x:X:x ...

    I'm ok,just started to feel better,I think the new medicine has made his job :D

    How about you sweety?

  24. Wahhh!! *beating you up*


    urat avatar aiiii >:)))

  25. wahhh. auzi tu te uitzi la ftv? :D

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