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Everything posted by CandleVixen

  1. Maybe we “should” all identify as them/they to be even the playing field.
  2. I do, but all hair has highlights and lowlights. So when my hair is augmented with color, the gray strands take less dye and the deeper tones turn deeper.
  3. That’s pretty accurate. Only right now, we Texans are being held captive by EPCOT and our Gov’ner is pissed off. Big “industrial and commercial” sites have nearly 100% power, while being “encouraged” to shut most of the power down. Also, some of the hotels have minimum power. And in North Texas, there have been slow improvements in restoring power to residences. Though Several of the “rolling blackouts” are not rolling. Long term outages are coming close to 36 hours. Enough, Ercot. Quit being dicks and allowing the delivery companies to restore power. You say that shit can’t be restored as quickly as it went away, due to our “expansive and old infrastructures.”Just fucking fix it. Search ercot online and just look at the bullshit linked with all the stories. Then marvel at their site. http://www.ercot.com/
  4. 1) Yep. It’s been said for far too long, money talks. Scratch my back, and I’ll do yours. 2) I wish that was the way. But it’s never gonna happen. 3) that’s ok, I ended up being rambling too. Like I said old lady brain! 4) Fucktards, each and every one.
  5. Cult, it started out chestnut as a kid, and as I got older, it lost the highlights. Nowadays, my hair is helped with natural highlights (grays) though I still use dye now and then.
  6. ^ And I remember when AT&T was declared a monopoly and was busted up into the baby bells. Which were eventually re-absorbed in the 90’s, creating what Hubs calls the Death Star. The FCC got bullied into allowing AT&T to merge with them again. My point, was/is Disney has eaten up loads of entertainment and sports media that it is becoming much like AT&T, when they were picking up all their babies. I learned in business classes that Monopoly and Oligarchy were bad. I guess that’s changed in this new century. (I could be remembering it wrong, I’m an old lady with old lady brain.)
  7. I blame all that on the same twitsjw mob who got Gina fired, among others. And the big corps who kowtow to those idiots, thus, feeding those trolls, which gives them more power.
  8. Reading their tweets, I feel that Pedro’s 2018 post with the DACA children equates the same as the Holocaust, that’s more than what Gina said. Do I think both should have been fired? Censoring them, putting out a statement explaining “the views of our employees do not reflect that of Disney” or some by other crap. Asking them to retract and possibly delete the controversial tweets? Maybe should have happened first. Maybe it did, that’s always a he said she said kind of thing. If Daff Kennedy didn’t get fired over the flop that was Solo, I seriously doubt that it would happen over this time.
  9. Yes, she’s humble too, from what I’ve seen in her interviews.
  10. Or even when said fans that were so ugly with Kelly Marie Tran (Rose) that she left social media? Mark was the only positive posting I saw for her birthday. the Mouse did not defend her that I saw. Somehow, I believe that Walt wouldn’t appreciate this behavior.
  11. Embrace it, Cult. Men with grey hair are looked at as being more distinguished and worldly. And handsome.
  12. Uhhh no. Dodge is an old skill used in the first version of the Star Wars rpg.
  13. Yes! Yes! She is indeed. I will miss her presence on the show! I can’t remember if I posted this before, Gina B is an alumni of my husband and some friends high school. When we found out that Ms. Gina was from the same city and went to the same school hubs said, “very cool”!
  14. That’s what is making me mad and pissed in the same time.
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