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Cult Icon

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Everything posted by Cult Icon

  1. The cyberpunk drama is still going on, with delayed patches and no expansion. The DLC will not ! be free. The full game was being sold at Best Buy on sale for $10. At this point CD is just trying to fix the game to please Polish regulators, and bandaid their reputation.
  2. I wonder if the Alien franchise is just a bunch of false hopes, like Terminator and Star Wars. After viewing more of the footage my childhood fantasy of an awesome Aliens vs Human war seems to be shattered. In game form it just looks very repetitive. When I think of great Aliens media, it's the stories that stand out rather than the organism of the Alien alone. A whole game of nothing but the hive or infested areas doesn't work on its own. All of this makes Aliens Isolation more and more brilliant.. The Aliens vs bugs trope seems to have been done best, and most creatively by Blizzard for their Starcraft games.
  3. Another aspect of weight loss is the huge increase in remembered dreams. A few nightmares, too. Prior to this I had no remembered dreams for many months. I suspect this is the related to the psychological/physical insight by researchers that the brain needs sugars to function optimally, and when it's "hungry", it has less control over the mind so the subconscious takes over.
  4. Women's exercises come across as being kinder to the joints, definitely the most important consideration to me as long-term stresses (like high impact training) will cause damage. This is why I do not sprint even though sprinting is much more efficient for buring calories. At the end of the day, noone can out-exercise small mistakes in their caloric intake. I think the thin- pregancy body is very hot and sexy (unfortunately she can't get pregnant again ), albeit it should be more important to eat well to feed the baby than to look good in instagram
  5. LoL at this comment, facts: "Looks like the defense strategy is to let her hair down leave the alpha male Steve Jobs persona behind in favor of the damsel in distress young impressionable victim of a manipulative much older boyfriend and a bunch of old thirsty men who funneled tons of money into her scheme"
  6. It is interesting how Elizabeth Holmes changed her hairstyle to make herself more feminine/attractive and less "professional". Now she has motherhood on her side..
  7. Yep..., and her story ( her background as a teenaged college drop-out) takes a few minutes to realize that it doesn't make sense. Basically she was amazing at scamming the system and securing enormous funds. also she doesn't seem that impressive in terms of communication. She sounds and looks like she is lying too much. I don't know how she managed to manipulate so many "smart" people. ?! Now we get to see how she scams her way out of jail time!
  8. The US Army has only proven to be good at warfare against conventional forces (citizen armies set up by "civilized" societies that share a lot of Western values), and not irregular warfare against fanatical terriorists/partisans/communist revolutionaries & convert foreign societies to western values. Conventional combat is where American advantages in material resources and organization can be exploited to the fullest. Citizen soldiers are not fanatics, they want to survive and they surrender once their combat systems dissolve like the German Army in 44-45. eg. The army can defeat the conventional Iraqi forces in a quick sweep but fail in the occupation. And fail in Afganistan, just like the Soviets before them.
  9. Good watch, obviously the book/script for Fight Club was not original and the author had studied the sociology of cults and revolutions.
  10. I've never seen Bridget Jones Diary except for some clips. What is attractive to me is if the woman comes across as wife material in personality and physically beautiful. If she has traits that are opposite of wife material then she becomes less attractive. Some of these are certainly not traits that are admired in pop culture and feminism.
  11. Yeah, the actress that plays Faye is Mexican and it looks like she got a nose-job. too short! Physically she should be a tall, swimwear model like babe
  12. John Cho's breakout role was this comedy movie. It came out when I was in high school. The guy is average height and body & is no action star at all. He looks like the average Korean guy off the street over here. Albeit It looks like he got jacked for the role but still, he's 49 years old and not a martial arts star. Spike Siegel sounds like a Jewish name, they could have found a tall semitic looking guy that has the physical porportions of Keanu Reeves but also the slacker/comedic timing/slickness of the character.
  13. I watched a weapons analysis for Back 4 Blood.. looks like the M14 (7.62mm) type rifle is the best weapon currently. The best Alpha playthrough has the player use excellent communications, lots of headshots, and the M14. The advantage is that the M14 is accurate and has stopping power at all ranges. It is also funny to see players use the M14, a weapon derived from the WW2 M1 Garand and even has the same sights. This brings to mind the eternal 5.56 vs 7.62 mm debate. The game has the 7.62mm do more than2-3 times the damage of the 5.56, which is way too much. In real life it's more like 50%. The best SMG in the game is the PDW, a rare weapon in real life (expensive and uses rare ammunition). The best assault rifle is the AK-47. The best shotgun is the semi-automatic Benelli. The best pistol is the Desert Eagle (expensive and uses rare ammuntion in real life..). The best high power sniper rifle is a big game hunting rifle over the Barrett. Best MG is the M249. It is odd how they balanced the M249. They gave it low damage while it uses 5.56. Also, the RPK and M249 reduce running speed, which is a significant disadvantage.
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