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Cult Icon

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Everything posted by Cult Icon

  1. In the Roman republic/Roman empire the Roman generals were businessmen/dealmakers and politicians combined. Julius Casear and Pompey were two of the richest people on earth. One of the chief concerns of the Rome was "how do we create the next war of expansion?" A decade without a major war was considered problematic. Modern American generals are like C-suite executives devoting to growing a large multinational corporation, they have be good company men, get in with the "old boys" and then bring non-vocational extra-curricular skills to the table, like being good at business/dealmaking and having political connections. People like Colin Powell in did a good job of expanding the importance and influence of the army in society..
  2. This is fat girl/food coma breakfast : D I've always thought that British/American breakfast items are more appropriate for mid-day, like brunch/lunch than breakfast. I am too used to high protein/high fiber breakfasts.
  3. My Lai Massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mỹ_Lai_massacre#Reporting,_cover-up_and_investigation
  4. Even before, that, as early as Vietnam, involved in covering up war crimes!!! one of my mentors (retired Colonel) told me that becoming a general officer in the army is very much a political game. The glass ceiling is becoming a full Colonel.
  5. No, I haven't. I have been checking to see if it's been leaked online yet. It hasn't so far. It seems to be theatre only.
  6. yep.. Frankly she might even be prettier than Maggie.
  7. I saw a tribute to the death of Colin Powell on ABC World News, not surprisingly they completely avoided any discussion of his politics but focused entirely on his 13 self-help tips which was printed in his memoir.... There is evidence that shows that he was a very effective careerist who rose to the top echelons of society (in this sense a superficial role model for blacks) but had no moral courage whatever as a soldier and a politician. He would rather become a war criminal than hold back the progress of his career in the military and in politics.
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