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Everything posted by Sanni

  1. Yay the pictures are new! The running pants come from Heidi Klum's collection. Kirsch has worked with her for SI and Vogue so I hope something big is in store! And hey at least she looks thinner and younger http://www.newbalance.com//Heidi-Klum/heidi-klum,default,pg.html?ICID=hknb_hknbc_mk_130
  2. If she is wearing Heidi's new line, then they are definitely new
  3. Yes! Like this time around there were no Christmas catalogue lingerie pictures. The only new pictures were of mail order clothing which frankly needs a grand setting and a top model to make it look like something you would bother buying. Often you will see that the most appealing stuff goes to the big names so it’s worrying that now Doutzen doesn’t get those. If Doutzen leaves VS I think she will be fine because there is obviously competition to get her (H&M). I think Barbara is a shoo-in for the show. She got the catalogue cover and maybe would have been invited to Paris (it certainly wasn’t their most exclusive Holiday commercial) if she hadn’t been filming a movie.
  4. Jessica Gomes was a highlight in that video they showed in Vegas but she has had a long great run so if she moves on it’ll be fine. Alyssa is a newer one so I would be disappointed if she isn’t gonna be in the issue. She cut her hair which is a bit odd if she is supposed to do a SI shoot soon. If Cintia won’t be there I hope she’ll be able to do more with VS.
  5. That’s a real shame too because she was the wow moment in the Swim 2011 commercial.
  6. She’ll probably grow out of it. (Just look at where Kate Upton started ) I admit when I first came to this thread I was a bit taken aback by how many selfies there were. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. But now I’m used to all the social media pictures and it’s pretty damn nice to have those at least because there are times when there is hardly any work coming out. But I get where people are coming from. Some of the pictures make it seem that she is not exactly a girl’s girl And her talk about wanting to be the next Lara Croft, sing, model, be a lawyer etc. certainly speak of very high self-esteem ;D but she wouldn’t get anywhere if she didn’t believe in herself. Burberry campaign for her! credit to Michellexo
  7. Wow what a great surprise to see Barbara! Amazing news for her. All the girls want the cover and I imagine especially Christmas, Swim and Valentine’s Day (vol. 1 being the best). I love the white / blue coloured ones. Candice is not taking any prisoners She dominates those first few crucial pages. Lily looks great too and I'm glad Magdalena is there! Gracie continues to confuse me, she looks so much like Emanuela.
  8. I didn’t know that but even before I didn’t think that the 2002 example of Tyra was inexcusable because you could clearly see that it was a release of adrenaline. (I have a problem with the ones that seem desperate or rehearsed.) I just assumed that she had to “let it out” because Victoria’s Secret asked her on the day of the show to dance and she had a salsa teacher there but on the runway she immediately forgot the choreography and just winged it. And according to her the crowd went crazy.
  9. VH/FSR will probably scan it Love it! They just couldn’t resist putting her on yet another SI cover… Although she is often referred to as curvy, Kate has never had the classic hourglass figure associated with most "curvy" women. So you are saying she is only considered curvy because of her boobs? Her body type is more top heavy or even apple shaped so she is going to always have slimmer legs and a smaller rear than an hourglass whose breasts and butt are going to be “equal”.
  10. If Maroon 5 performs again it’ll be the height of tackiness. I hope Adam Levine has enough decorum to realize how embarrassing it would be for him to parade yet another girlfriend on stage. I think that in ANTM they talked about how Tyra got big applause when she was on stage and in fact I remember feeling sorry for whoever had to walk behind her because she would know the applause wasn’t for her. And in hindsight it’s pretty crazy that the girl I was feeling sorry for was Adriana Lima XD but I remember reading somewhere that Adriana wanted the same that Tyra got so the antics she did on stage came from within her and not just because Ed was whispering in her ear. But to Adriana’s credit she came up with the point to the camera on the side move if I remember correctly so let her do it and the other girls should maybe stop because if many do it, it loses the wink wink factor and becomes contrived. But overall do what makes you feel confident on stage. If making kissy faces is not you, don’t force it like Lara Stone.
  11. Ugh yes I hate the frantic hand movements to encourage people to clap more. If you have to do that to get a reaction, don’t even bother. Case in point someone like Tyra didn’t have to do any of that and she still got applause, people recognized it was Tyra on the runway. Your presence and walk should be strong enough.
  12. That's right TheBombshell. I suspect Karlie did hear because the fan reported that Karlie looked at her after her comment. In my opinion, Karlie should have handled the situation a bit better. Either leave the place without posing for paparazzi if you are that tired but if you still have energy to work (=get more fame) why not nod and say that unfortunately you have to leave or something like that. It's the decent thing to do.
  13. Well she is the owner of that site and a huge fan so it's to be expected that she would vent / get some sympathy and tea and let people know why she was not going to continue with it anymore. Otherwise she would probably get tons of comments like "OMG why is this not updated anymore, this is my favorite site?!?" Ooh I like that Prettyphile :brows:
  14. People have mentioned Natalia Vodianova and Brooke Shields http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRK417nWKmY
  15. I get why you Limerlight and Prettyphile have an issue with her claiming she loves Karlie to her. I had a reaction to that while reading the story too. However, it's really not that big of a deal. Those three little words can be thrown around between casual friends, between people who just had a minor disagreement ("You know I love you!"), an artist on stage yelling that to the audience, fans yelling that to a celebrity walking by etc. It's not to be taken so heatedly ("What a stalker!!!").
  16. Hard to say what was going on but she did stop to pose for the photographer / paparazzi so I don't think the fan was unreasonable in her request. The real deal breaker seems to have been Karlie's cold attitude which can be self-preservation on her part but on the other hand she was in PR / fame mode while posing so seems quite harsh not to acknowledge a fan's presence instead of just looking at the other person she is beneath her. However, the last part could be just the fan remembering things worse than they really were because of a severe disappointment. Maybe Karlie just had a blank look due to being tired. I wonder how the pictures turned out...
  17. Maybe Lily and Kate met through Justin Gelband so Behati might be in the cards. The only thing I've seen him in was Celebrity Ghost Stories and he seemed nice enough there but if he was bullshitting about his ghost experience he is a nice liar I suppose I was a little surprised about the rumors of her dating someone from Dancing with the Stars because it seems more gay friendly / feminine men than football So maybe this guy overcompensates by being really macho. Their dating was clear to me when I saw this video from Style Awards:
  18. When I saw those pictures of Cindy with her daughter over at Dailymail, I was amazed. Cindy has the strongest model genes around! I remember seeing a long time ago a picture where she was with her young children and the kids looked so much like their mommy that even her son looked like a girl I wasn't that taken by her daughter's Versace pictures but she seems to have blossomed!
  19. I wonder if she'll go to the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show casting again:
  20. No problem! I love these old school videos Victoria's Secret made and especially of Miranda!
  21. You can see her nicknames in this Victoria's Secret profile: But yeah I don't get all these nicknames for different models...
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