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Status Updates posted by Baby.Jude9

  1. Hey Dave! Having a kinda slow weekend here. Things haven't actually been that bad here lately. But, the move is official. :/

  2. Hey Dave! It's already Saturday night here, now, but thanks for the weekended wish and hope you have a nice weekend as well! :D

  3. Hey Dave! My week was great. Hope your's was good as well and hope you have a great weekend! :D

  4. Hey Dave! Sorry to take forever to respond, I've been really busy and a little down on the weather lately. I've got all this college stuff and this, that, and the other thing... Ugh. Anyway, enough about myself; How have things been by you lately?

  5. Hey Dave! Sorry to take so long to reply; I've actually had a pretty busy week. As for the snow, well, we got some snow, then we got some more snow, and then some more, and now they're calling for more. I mean, it was cool at first but now it's just like "Screw you, water cycle!" -__-

  6. Hey Dave! Sorry to take so long to respond; I had uber exams, then I got sick, yada yada yada... Anywho, things have been fairly mellow by me. How are things goin' for you? :)

  7. Hey Dave! Sorry, it's busy a while since I've been able to chat. I've been really busy lately, but, busy in a good way. How's the wind blowing by you?

  8. Hey Dave! Yeah, I guess has been a while since we talked... Anyway, I'm doing great and I hope just the same is true for you! Have a great week! ^_^

  9. Hey Leah! How are you doin? :D

  10. Hey Mike! All's good on my side of the ocean... How are things by you? I've been meaning to tell you for a while that I *LOL* every time I see your avatar. That, and I probably agree with your list the most in that "Top 10 Bands of Each Decade" topic. :D

  11. Hey Mike! Sorry to take forever to respond, I've been a little sick lately, myself. -__- Anywho, since you mentioned it, what do you think about the new Strokes single? :D

  12. Hey! How are you?

  13. Hey! I just wanted to say I love your avatar! :)

  14. Hey! Just wondering, because it's been bothering me so much, but, who's the girl in your avatar? She's absolutely gorgeous!

  15. Hey! So I heard you're quite the gif maker around here? :)

  16. Hey! Sorry I took forever to respond. Anyway, it's just gonna be my mom and I for Thanksgiving. Yeah, it's small but, she said we'd have a good time and maybe we would go into the city for a day to go ice-skating or whatever. What about you? :)

  17. Hey! The girl in my avatar is GiGi Paris. Here is the link to her thread if you want to check her out: http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showtopic=26606


  18. Hey. :) Just wanted to say I saw a lot of the topics that you started in the "Guy Musicians" forum and you seem to have a really good taste in music. :D

  19. Hey. I'll send you the link in a little while. Sorry, I was really busy today! :D

  20. Heya Dave! Nice to hear from you again! :) Things have been pretty good over here. Adjusting hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Anywho, how has your week been? :D

  21. Heya girl! How have you been lately? And how are the babies? I've been sooooo busy lately. Sorry it took me so long to respond. :)

  22. Heya honey! Once again, thanks so much for the gifs. Have nice day! :D

  23. Heya Lu. Eh, I'm all good. And yourself? :)

  24. Heya Lu. How's your weekend thus far? :P

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