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Sweet Lu

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Everything posted by Sweet Lu

  1. don't worry. doubt we will ever hear or see them again.
  2. very cool indeed, even if she did "pose like she is waiting for the rapture".
  3. goddamn!!!!!! clay is fucking alive!!!!! that dude is one lucky bastard. And anyone else getting the feeling that perhaps the Mexicans and Potter are in cahoots together? Just seems weird that none of their "contacts" could find out about Otto. Course, Potter jsut might have that so tight under wraps that it can't be found out.
  4. i find it hard to beleive the 9,400,000 people watched jsut to see Jay Z sing 1 song or Maroon 5 to sing one song or to see Orlando jump up like a school boy. i think it is the other way around that maybe 600k watched jsut for the singers.
  5. This is what I think is harsh. Saying we need to have our head checked because we enjoy the show for the models and not celebrity like other people. I think the models are better then the performers. I watch it for them. I didn't watch the show to see Kanye. It is an added bonus to get a cool performance but I prefer to see the models. A lot of other people do too. The majority of people obviously watch it for hot chicks in lingerie and seeing celebrities perform. I know that. But you are basically saying that I and most other people on this forum should have our heads checked because we think the models are better then the celebrities and because I want to hope that other people out there do too. I know it isn't realistic. But sorry I'm optimistic. totally agree with you kevork. i would rather have music piped in as oppsoed to the artists on there taking away from the girls. I watch the Victoria Secret Fashion Show for the Victoria Secret models. and depending on what circle you are in, YES these models have more prestige than the artists (just like euros consider their football players to be bigger superstars than USA football players). Hell, the last singer i never even heard of (and hopefully never will hear from again after that "singing") to be honest, the one thing i was NOT looking forward to about the show was the music.
  6. Also in the comic you find out that even when people die via gun shot or other means,
  7. lolllllll. that is too funny. so awesome
  8. cute pic of Hanna. get to meet her in about a week. yeahhhhhhhhh

  9. o, i love Anson as the villian. this guy is so smart and cunning. reminds me of the Riddler. lolllll and nice revelation about Michael's dad. just damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  10. she is jsut begging for a spanking
  11. saw this and HAD to post it. good god her ass is perfect!!!! (though there is one woman i know that has a nicer behind )
  12. i usually like a good asshole character, but Shane has jsut enver griped me. I really haven't liked him sicne the beginning. Not sure if it is the actor or the way he is playing him or what. Not that i am saying that others can't find him to be an interesting chracter mind you. Just, for me, i am not finding a connection with him
  13. i agree. theya re doing a fantastic job of making it feel like it is more than jsut a 1920's gangster show. they try and make it feel relevant to today as well
  14. Twilight Breaking Dawn (please shoot me now!!!)
  15. Very nice sweets. She is adorable. Love her.
  16. Very nice sweets. She is adorable. Love her.
  17. Those are all awesome hun. Very nice indeed and very drool worthy. Lollll
  18. loved it. better than alst year. sets were better, outfits were prettier, music though was not that great IMO, but the girls all looked stunning
  19. Sweet Lu


    agreed. the second was jsut so mucvh better. sexy, sweet, sensual. yummy
  20. January 16th for the second season. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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