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Sweet Lu

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Status Updates posted by Sweet Lu

  1. mornign ice. have a good one bud. try not to fall asleep during classes. lol.

  2. morning LMS. week is almsot over at least

  3. metric? metric?! You are making me think too much!!!!!

  4. i'm gonna have to make you a candy vid for you real soon

  5. lolll, yep it does mean that. mine is to the elft right now. and i ehar ya, i have been doing alot of walking lately before this gut takes over.

  6. I like the new look to for your default, and cool poem.

  7. Morning Ice. how's it hanging?

  8. thank for the new sig, LMS. they look killer.

  9. Hye Leah, how's you doing? Hope all is good

  10. omg. that is so wrong yet so funny

  11. cool man. i think you'll like it.

  12. ah true there. i ahted chemistry too. always afraid i'd blow something up. lollll. and i sued to ahte bsuting my hump to get to school than hearing the teacher was out. i mean come on!!!! lol

  13. morning Ice. how was the first day back?

  14. I hate the rain. blahhhhhhhhhhhh. so psyched that we are finally getting the warmer weather. unfortunately we have to start another work week.

  15. i remember that first day back and not being able to sleep. It wa good, thanks. Did alot with the kiddies. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow though. Weekends are just too damn short. lolllll

  16. LEAH! how you doing Chica???

  17. have a great day with the fam LMS, and a great girls night. Talk soon. And we are watching Sherlock Holmes tonight. YEAHHHHHH

  18. Hung out with the kiddies for the day, got their pics done. Pretty tame day, but gald that the sun was out after all the rain we've been getting.

  19. any plans for the weekend, D?

  20. you too Ice. Talk soon. and you can call me Kev.

  21. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD morning LMS!!!! lollll, have a good day with the little one and friends with your painting.

  22. lolllllllllllllll, those were awesome. I could easily do any of those. and have an eye on a couple in particular

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