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Everything posted by harvester

  1. thumbnails are set to auto-ajust to any screen size. if u have to horizontal scroll to see them then your browser is not rendering properly. this post has been tested from 640x480 to 1280x960
  2. thx unfortunatly her "official" page is down, Ana Hickmann. Official Website. maybe just for a short time.the first pic says damn, reading that made me drop my skittles...
  3. Photography by Gilles Bensimon, Elle (US) October 2003 thumbnails are set to auto-ajust to any screen size. if u have to horizontal scroll to see them then your browser is not rendering properly. this post has been tested from 640x480 to 1280x960
  4. Photography by Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin, Harper's Bazaar (US) August 2002 thumbnails are set to auto-ajust to any screen size. if u have to horizontal scroll to see them then your browser is not rendering properly. this post has been tested from 640x480 to 1280x960
  5. it's like one of those "what do u see in this picture" questions. agreed, a fine derriere that deserves a posting in another thread. but when i look at this pic i c legs, legs, and more legs. i can't help it, it's the way i'm hardwired.
  6. Evelyn thx, and i hope Maja and all her fans forgive me it was too much of a tempation. i guess to make up for this i am gonna have to post some complimentary pics
  7. this is why alot of non-IE browsers can offer a better browser experience. IE has been the #1 de facto browser and they have decided to set their own web rendering standards, most others subscribe to WC3's. there is a big move in the Mozilla Forums to approach the administrators of these poorly constructed site and ask that they make their site W3C compatable, i.e. available to all browsers. if the administrators are realists they will adjust. making a site W3C compatible leaves no one out in the cold, all browsers will render properly, even IE.
  8. the thumbnails are affixed so they are self adjusting. they will auto-adjust to any size screen. low system resources can sometimes cause this effect. just out of curiousity what browser do you use? Capt, i c u use IE. thumbnail running off the screen is a browser rendering problem. if u post 1 million thumbnails then they will render all on your screen. i gave up IE almost a decade ago.
  9. moved to response to Best Brower
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