I got two piercings in both of my ear lobes and one piering in my left ear cartiledge.
(Sorry but my spelling sucks lol .)
But I have one tattoo of a dragonfly on my lower back and a chinesse symbol that means "hard-hearted" on my left wrist. Hopefully more will come soon lol.
I wanted Mickey Rourke to win soooo bad (but Sean Penn was cool though lol.)
But I also must say that it must have been the best Oscar show in a while, that Seth Rogen and James Franco sketch was so funny lmao.
I loved he since I was a kid! lol But did anyone see that special on her in 2007 I think. It was "Victoria Beckham coming To America". lmao I cracked up when she was getting her USA license and she was asking her assistant for the answers. lmao it was so funny
I love Spryo The Dragon.
I won it once. The Second game Four times. And the third game three times. (I think . . .)
By the way, I heard talk of the PS3 going down to $299. Is that true or just some screwed up rumor to get my hopes up lol?