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    Land of grey and green: Seattle

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  1. Batistuta was also my hero when I was younger! Now my hero is Javier Zanetti, il grande capitano of Inter - my team.

  2. Where did the "Ignore Avatar" option go?! Will it come back?
  3. Would like to able to Hide Avatars again. I know that is sacrilegious but sometimes animated avatars give my comp st-st-st-stuttering problems that interfere with picture loading and scrolling (I get the little question mark icon, errors and continuous page loading, and the Mac twirling rainbow frisbee). Hiding signatures really helped but being able to hide avatars completely eliminated those problems and streamlined by BZ time...
  4. US_Rover


    Potential spoilers: Definitely peaked my interest!
  5. Fun, beautiful, and can surf...
  6. Some assorted photos from her Cal days to Beijing:
  7. Yup (Y)
  8. Sweet... Okay, here goes...
  9. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  10. Red rover, red rover, let little miss sunshine take over... Good, good
  11. Alrighty then...
  12. Sorry, repost... don't know what happened
  13. Ghost Town I want to say that it's because I recognized the nurse and not the nerdy naked man.... :|
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