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Everything posted by maddog107

  1. ^ doesnt know Julie Ordon (she aint in my avatars)
  2. I love her more then both of you combined, and I saw her first so i get to keep her
  3. arnt we all prisoners to this life already?
  4. ^ will have an unhappy ending
  5. so many posts itll make your head spin
  6. maddog107


    So I was playing the other day and I had poket 10's (all blacks) I make it 10$ and I have one caller, 8h 10h 3h comes on flop. He pushes all in, I had to think I was behind since he probabaly had flush and I had no hearts, so i had 9 outs, So i decided to fold and not risk my whole stack, and then my friends start saying I didnt play that right, what do you guys think? I had to assume i was behind in that situation (Ill tell you guys later what the other guy had)
  7. maddog107

    I Am...

    Advice about what. You were put in charge, sometimes you have to make tough decisions and even if it will alienate a few people, you have to do what you think is right and what is right for this community. You had to make a tough choice and you did, now you have to stick by it and its consequences, we will support you regardless and from most of the feedback I have heard they agree with you in that what you did was correct.
  8. your the uber mod, delete all evidence that anything happened and ban whoever mentions it and problem solved! hey it works in china.... and you did the right thing, you had to infiltrate the enemy and you had to keep it secret, dont worry bout it no one thinks less of you, you did the right thing
  9. maddog107

    I Am...

    even more incentive for you to stay here
  10. maddog107

    I Am...

    I am chillin listening to 2pac
  11. ^ has huge collection of good pics
  12. maddog107

    I Am...

    we still love you neo, with or without a thread
  13. ^ joined after me, yet is more important then me
  14. why do I have to guess, what if I have the truth?
  15. why did you have to cut in front of me on that last post?
  16. why do you think that by posting a question you are agreeing to the following question? can i not disagree with your previous question?
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