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About Bibi

  • Birthday 06/12/1991

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  1. THANX! Funny dances.
  2. I watching VD and he is so hooot. My fav scene is Damon and Vicki sexy dance:
  3. Bibi

    Jenson Button

    Cute world champion!
  4. He's back!! :clap: He will be starts on Europe championship, world championship and Olympic Games. :hell yea!:
  5. Hey, I like Alexander, cause he's very cute, kind and he makes beauty songs.
  6. When I saw this picture, I thought he looks like Eddie Klint.
  7. I like Kaya. She's very beauty and very good actress. Skins is my fav tv show. With the Skins girls:
  8. I luv Paolo and his voice is amazing! He has short hair now, but this cute. My fav Paolo's song is Autumn, cause this is very sad and very beauty. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jef-BSt4qLQ
  9. Bibi


    I miss Chris
  10. Bibi


    Vinnie is cute. And yes, with curly hair was fairly childish. But he very young and good looking more and more. He will be a real heartbreaking man. For you :
  11. Bibi

    Gale Harold

    Some pic from QAF :
  12. Grease Romeo et Juliette musical Hungarian Romeo et Juliette musical French Love Actually A. I. - Artificial Intelligence Troy Kill Bill Dirty Dancing 2 The Kid musical (by Chaplin film) Interview with the Vampire The Queen of the Damned and Hans Zimmer tracks
  13. Bibi


    The new band photos. Rich and Cayce are...hmm...
  14. Bibi


    Thanx the pics. Chris hot , but his eyes always looks sad. I hope that he will be happy then. Richie like that, than a model. The new boy, Cayce was not sympathetic first, but now it. Richie present to Cayce. They're cute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX6WVM_tATE
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