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Status Updates posted by Berno

  1. I'm sure you will :hehe:

    I'll say a prayer for you! :rofl:

  2. Thanks! :D I'm still recovering, haha..

    <--Sweet picture btw :)

  3. Yeah i dunno, im not as interested in most models as i used to be i guess.. yeah its a decent video, the song is pretty catchy too. rihanna can do no wrong for me though, she's amazing

  4. Happy Birthday!!.. :D:D

    Hope you've had a good day...:)

  5. Yes, she's my current obsession. :shifty: :ninja:

    Ohh good. I'm all out of mine. :(


  6. I'm pretty good ;) You?

  7. Ok then..:)

    Yeah i will in the future..:p

  8. LOL :hug:

    Apu, from the simpsons, he was hovering like a humming bird because he worked for 72 hours straight..it would have been funny if you saw the episode. :)

  9. I'm well aware that my sig is making a lot of people want to have sex with Marloes (Me included) as you can tell by my comments :P I even got a PM about it! Brilliant..

  10. Imagine how i felt making it..

  11. Wow, sorry for such a late reply :| You know, i had absolutely zero interest in the VSFS this year.. and even if Edita did walk it, which she didn't, i doubt i'd have watched it anyway.. the only model i have any interest in these days is Ginta.

  12. Berno

    Haha yeah it is..lol

    I was born in dublin and lived there for nine years O_o...and then i moved in to the country :P

  13. Thanks :D..although i didn't do the effects, they were already in the vid :P

    But we'll just say i did them...lol

  14. Yes, it was. But i forgive you. :hehe:

  15. Haha, those comments are brilliant! :P

    And as a matter of fact, i do know where that's from! His name is Damien Walters, he does parkour. Check him out on youtube, he's awesome :|

  16. Hey, i know I'm funny, if there was ever a quality to sum me up, it would be that I make people laugh.. :angel:

  17. Well yeah for college! thanks, im suprised i lasted a week tbh.. no i didn't get it, turned out to be out of my reach a bit but im gonna get a different one soon hopefully :)

  18. :wave:

    I haven't been online because my broadband was cut off 3 days ago because i went over the limit.. :|

    But it should be fine on monday :)

    I'm at an internet cafe now :P

    But anyway I don't know where you are going but i hope you have a great time anyway..see you when you get back :hug:

  19. 5 hours is too much for a young girl! :persuazn: :rofl:

    I wonder why school was good last week? :laugh:

    How was school today? :)

  20. Sweet sweet...Oh that's Lauren Ridealgh, very unkown model, i've been updating her thread on Bz for most of the night so you should take a look ;)

  21. Hey u wanna go on msn? If it's too late that's fine :)

  22. For real? I think we've reached a new level in our relationship Mattser..

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