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Status Updates posted by Twinkle

  1. I've always liked that name for a boy, but Matt wont have it if we have a boy because it reminds him of someone lol. Victoria is a very pretty name, it sounds really posh :)

  2. I'm good, how are you? :)

  3. lollll with which one? Or all? :)

  4. Your Lima/Viggo gifs looks awesome :)

  5. I don't get those type of parents either. I see lots of Moms put their babies in grown up style clothes, it creeps me out. Mums where I live are like that. Not all of course.

  6. Yeah there is a lot of nasty people on this forum who always want to bump you down. Whenever I get 5stars someone bumps me down to 4. Bastards lolll

  7. Victoria Pearl! That's a gorgeous name! Love it, too bad I didn't come up with it first. I had to force Abigail on Matt her hated it but then I brought up Abby from CSI and he started to like it, weird I know

  8. Pretty avi, who is it?

  9. lollll about the VS part, kids are funny

  10. Hey my weekend was good how was yours?

  11. I know it is sad, my brother in law is like that with his kids. My hubby is very devoted. They grow up fast and those parents will regret it eventually. Do u plan on having kids?

  12. You've got me curious, what news is that?

  13. Sooo sorry hun my computer froze when you IM'ed me and I had to reboot :( didn't want you to think I was blowing you off

  14. Hope you are having a lovely morning :)

  15. Aww you seem like a real mature and grounded guy. That's a great plan. I hear canadian men are good like that

  16. Thhanks! I'm good, you?

  17. Abby also came close to being called Rosie. Matt didn't like that either though he really liked Lilly and so did I but I love the meaning of Abigail. So we went with that

  18. Oh, don't panic he hasn't been diagnosed yet. And if he does Autism is an adjustment to a lifestyle but it's not the worst thing in the world.

  19. You want pics and vids or just vids?

  20. Wow you look like Angelina Jolie :D

  21. Love your avi too, who is in it?

  22. It's not autism but my brother has mental health issues and it's all about adjusting your lifestyle to suit them but it's not the end of the world

  23. Hey haven't spoken to u in ages lol. I am not a fan of Dita much but damn those pics on your page are soooo HOT

  24. Happy New Year!

  25. Happy Easter :)

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