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Everything posted by Yasume

  1. Yasume


    He is probably a sweet and nice guy. There are many times that you will see a beautiful and gorgeous woman with a not so attractive man. It is not always about looks. Besides it is better to have a guy whose more into you than you are him. Of course, I don't know if that is the case here but I am just saying. She has probably come in contact with some hot men who were just jerks and assholes. From what I have read, she has definitely rocked his world. His game has been better. He is playing like a new man on the court. LOL...
  2. I have wondered about her role with VS as well. Well, a shake up is forthcoming in VS so we will see!!
  3. Yasume


    Everytime I see VS Angels, they are always blowing kisses!!! LOL I guess that is their signature move!! Adriana and Karolina look cute on these pictures.
  4. I just joined this site a couple of weeks ago. I thought maybe there would be a post about this on here. VS has changed over the years. It was definitely a different place in the late nineties than it is now. I know things change with time but you could see the difference. I like the pink line but did notice how it was geared toward younger shoppers. Pink is at the front of the store while the Body brand is in the back. I am glad to hear that VS is getting back to sexy and elegant which was their trademark. I saw some parts of their 2000 show and it was interesting and didn't have all the bells and whistles of the more recent shows:) Let's see what will emerge in 2008.
  5. Yasume


    I wonder about that one, especially coming out of the Enquirer. She comes across with too much pride to me to ask them to give back her contract.
  6. Yasume


    I just read the article. It said that Naomi Campbell is American. We all know that is incorrect. She is British of Jamaican and Chinese descent. Heidi is cute but not #1. Adriana should be #1, she is sultry and exotic with those lips and eyes (I am jealous LOL...)
  7. Olucha is gorgeous!! I didn't realize it until I viewed the VS show 2005. You can just see her prescence and legs when she enters a room!!! Too bad she doesn't get more attention.
  8. Wow!! Alot of lipstick and eyeliner. He doesn't look manly at all to me. Now, John Pearson is a good looking man!! Yummy...
  9. That picture is disturbing. The male models are looking too effeminate and skinny. Who is their target audience is my question? I like to see a rugged and muscular man with a nice beard walking down the runway. But I guess it works the same way here as the women, its about the clothes not the model. Where are the Tyson Beckfords of the world?
  10. This is an excellent topic. Also, I did notice that some of the models for VS were thinner than in previous years. The fashion industry is so out of touch with reality. Yet they always think that they are the authority on thinking forward. As you said, there is a lack of intensity. It is saying something when a model walks down the runway like she owns the damn thang. But of course, the designer wants them to look straight ahead with no emotion because its about their clothes.
  11. What is a 12 year old boy doing on the runway? :yuckky:
  12. Yasume


    Wow!! That's still pretty thin to me. I didn't realize how thin she was until I looked at these pictures. There is alot of pressure on the models to be so thin.
  13. Yasume


    Okay, he is not cute but he is alright. I have seen worse. You guys find pictures everywhere...LOL
  14. I agree...Why are they acting like they are not "doing it"...LOL
  15. Yasume


    Ugly is a strong word how about unattractive? ^buhahaha!!! i had to do some searching too on Lichenstein coz i have not heard of that country! i remember watching VH1 where adriana n the prince were featured! his billionaire! i think his good looking compared to marco! what r u talkin about? did you really see the prince? his head is too large! his really ugly! marko is brad pitt compared with him
  16. Yasume


    His head didn't appear that large on the picture that I saw of him. However, it is not always easy to see on a picture. ^buhahaha!!! i had to do some searching too on Lichenstein coz i have not heard of that country! i remember watching VH1 where adriana n the prince were featured! his billionaire! i think his good looking compared to marco! what r u talkin about? did you really see the prince? his head is too large! his really ugly! marko is brad pitt compared with him
  17. Yasume


    I have already seen it. It came on here at 5 today. I am in Miami, Florida, EST.
  18. Yasume


    I just saw a picture of him and yes, he does look better than Marko. ^buhahaha!!! i had to do some searching too on Lichenstein coz i have not heard of that country! i remember watching VH1 where adriana n the prince were featured! his billionaire! i think his good looking compared to marco!
  19. Yasume


    I haven't really seen the prince but maybe looks aren't a thing for her. But on that same note, it sure doesn't hurt to have someone whose easy on the eyes:laugh:
  20. Yasume


    No...LOL...just my opinion. Where is Lichenstein? Going over to Wikipedia for that one.
  21. Yasume


    She probably didn't want to move to Lichenstein (sp?). As far as pictures with Marko...they are probably trying to keep a low profile.
  22. It will be great to see her in VSFS 08. I don't remember seeing her in the 2007 show. Now that she is in the VS catalogue I am sure we will see more of her.
  23. Yasume


    I just saw the ad. It was cute and now I see why it was not shown until the end. She was definitely the right person for it. I loved the whole idea...focusing on after the game and Valentine's Day. I haven't seen too many models that can do sexy like her. VS has some of the best marketing. On a side note, the game is good and the Patriots are in danger of losing. Well...let's see.
  24. Too funny!! Whoever I am!! I love it. I am done and will move on Looking foward to seeing more of Emanuela and Selita. um, before you lecture me on race and the modelling industry, have a look at my profile pic of course i would love for more black/dark skinned girls to get work with vs, hell ANY big fashion house but, the fact of the matter is ---- there is only one black angel used at any one time by vs. tyra, now selita, and when Manu gets her wings.. selita will most likely lose hers. its the way it works, like it or not. and the main point of my remark which sparked your lecture was to make a joke to others on this forum who feel the same way about selita as i do. shes boring-- in the catalogue and on the runway i feel absolutely nothing when i see her except, 'why the fuck is this girl an angel?' and believe me, im not the only one who feels that way. but thanks for the lecture, it was very informative.
  25. Don't get me wrong. Emanuela is gorgeous and definitely deserves to be an angel...So I am in agreement with that one. um, before you lecture me on race and the modelling industry, have a look at my profile pic of course i would love for more black/dark skinned girls to get work with vs, hell ANY big fashion house but, the fact of the matter is ---- there is only one black angel used at any one time by vs. tyra, now selita, and when Manu gets her wings.. selita will most likely lose hers. its the way it works, like it or not. and the main point of my remark which sparked your lecture was to make a joke to others on this forum who feel the same way about selita as i do. shes boring-- in the catalogue and on the runway i feel absolutely nothing when i see her except, 'why the fuck is this girl an angel?' and believe me, im not the only one who feels that way. but thanks for the lecture, it was very informative.
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