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Adrianas Llama

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Everything posted by Adrianas Llama

  1. just got there very own BZ smiley <_<. totally jealous dude totally jealous
  2. yeah at school. And hopefully this friday in my prac exam :| have you ever gone into a test/exam thinking you were completely prepared then failed?
  3. nope have you ever auditioned to be on reality tv?
  4. i have this maybelline advert thing of her sitting in front of me, its a clipping and folded in the middle and ripped at the side but if anyones interested i'll scan it
  5. ok open a new canvas. its just basically going control+n then specify the size of the picture you want (say if its a banner for bz 140 px by 500 px or something) and then press ok and you get a new blank canvas. for the next thing i dont quite get what you mean? like you want to merge 2 pictures of a flag into one?
  6. hmmm yeah i guess so have you ever been to a swingers party?
  7. earbud earphones annoy the shit out of me <_<. i go thru them like you wouldnt believe. Llamas top 3 earphone accidents: 1. Flicking them into drinks 2. Running over them with wheely chairs 3. lending them to my sister. thank god i gots me connections i havent payed for any in ages. But they still suck
  8. :| oh right explained. if you were in america or something i woulda had to try and dislodge the rock youd been living under
  9. Blending: A Llama Tute Tools Required: - Photoshop - Some patience Tips: Blending well can be quite difficult. So here are some tips to make the job easier - Pick pictures from similar settings (eg both at the beach) it'll make background blending a lot easier. Even better select a set of photos from the same set - pick pictures with similar lighting. you can have 2 pictures from the same photoshoot but if ones got bright lighting on it and the others shadowed it ends up looking odd and it takes a lot of tweaking to even get them looking similar. Kay onto the tute Step 1: Pick your pictures. Note the similar setting and lighting Step 2: Open your new canvas and paste your pictures onto it, and position them where youd like them to be. Now go to your brush tool, pick a soft circular brush (not the hard circles the fuzzy circles) and start erasing parts of one of the layers so your work begins to look like this: (i am erasing parts of layer 3 in this example) Step 3: Step 2 gives you a basic idea of blending. now you have to tidy things up. this may involve a lot of zooming in, switching from soft brushes to more closely defined ones or using the selection tool to select and delete parts you want to erase. Just be patient, do tweaking. if you want to try something but are scared it might make a mess, just duplicate your image and then if it doesnt turn out to your liking go back to the old one. after some tweakign this is what i ended up with: Extra tips - got problems with blending say.. white and off white? layer modes such as overlay or brightening highlights just magics flaws away. - if you have an edge or something that wont blend and no size specifics just crop it straight out of the shot. - Background run out? use the cllone brush to continue it or repaste the photo if its a repeating background (like the sea in thie shot) to give you extra distance anyway that was just a quickie. ihope that helped. its my blending method anyway.
  10. gawd i still use 7 i should really upgrade. i think theyre virtually the same so i can still make a basic tute if your interested? or you can wait for someone with the same version
  11. i layer, mostly because i get cold easy and dont want to leave the house looking like an eskimo. What i do find stupid is shirts that are designed to look layered. like you know the polo shirts with the extra long sleeve sewn in under the tshirt arm. its like :|. You lose the warmth youd get from it and youd probably get more for your money if you brought some cheap long sleeve shirts and then some nice tshirts.
  12. :| sarcasm right? Everyone knew it was against christiantiy even before the movie went into production right?
  13. simple q... a bountiful amount of answers! ! what program do you use?
  14. Edit: ugh totally beaten to it <_<
  15. wonderful tute, it makes my way of doing things seem completely ridiculous. but me and image ready are sworn enemies :|. jasc animation shop pro all the way for me. even it takes me hours longer to get things just the way i like this is a great thread btw i wish it was used more
  16. hmm big lie to closest friends... maybe when i was younger and stupider.. i also hung out with seedy backstabers so.. when in rome *shrugs* shameful i know have you ever been caught outside in a hail storm?
  17. ... kinda....... very complicated i dont think it counts. have you ever tripped over in front of an audience?
  18. nope! have you ever been arrested? if so what for?
  19. the selfish bastards at my uni that snag desks for themselves then dissapear off to a 2 hour lecture or something. Today i was in the friggin library and EVERY SINGLE desk was taken but only about 50% had people actually sitting at them. i ended up sitting in the stacks using the little stepping stool as a desk and a book on christianity as a booster seat <_<. I was also situated under a roof leak. It is the most unbelievably selfish behaviour. like if nobody did that there would probably always be a free god damn desk available. Y'all deserve to shrivel and die
  20. my weekly maths assignments are underrated. <_<. a total 10% for spending maybe 3 hours a week on the damn things.
  21. yes have you ever had something large stolen from you? if so what?
  22. yeah kinda.. have you ever inspired anyone?
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